Matsuno Brothers x Chubby!Reader

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It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the sky was clear, all was well. Except you were sick. 

You weren't even sure what caused your sudden sickness, all you knew was that your headache was killing you right now. Since you lived alone, you had to rely on yourself to get better, and so you tried to do all the things you do when you're sick.

Unfortunately one of your symptoms was dizziness, and so you had no choice but collapse on the couch. The television wasn't showing anything interesting, but it didn't really matter as you founds it hard to pay attention in the first place. Being some exhausted, you ended up falling asleep.


Knock, knock!

Sleepily opening your eyes, the first thing you were aware of was how overwhelmingly hot you felt. The second was the distant sound of a knock coming from your door. 

Not wanting to be rude, you got up, stumbling a bit as you did so. The now familiar dizzy feeling was already present once again, but keeping your hand on the wall as you walked at least helped a little bit.

You winced a bit at the brightness of outside, blinking a bit. There were six blurry figures in front of you.

"S-Sorry for the intrusion, Y/n-chan! We just thought it'd be nice to..." The nervous voice of Choromatsu was easily recognisable. 

"Um, are you okay?" He asked, sounding concerned. You nodded, your head hurting as you did so.

"Yeah, I just don't feel well..." Was your answer, but just as you finished talking you fainted. 

Each brother was in a rush to catch you, not wanting you to hurt your head. Osomatsu held you close, putting his hand flat on your forehead.

"Woah, she's burning up!" He exclaimed. 

Choromatsu immediately began to list commands. "Go lie her down, and someone get water!"

Todomatsu, looking panicked rushed into your kitchen, filling a glass with cold water. The eldest let you rest again on the couch, fluffing the pillow so it'd be more comfortable. 

Ichimatsu wet a cloth to put on your forehead, hoping it'd lower your high temperature. After all these things were done, the brothers were left watching you worriedly in the living room.

"I didn't know she was sick..." Karamatsu said to himself with a frown. 

Jyushimatsu looked a bit sad, but brightened. "Oh, I can heal her! Like with you guys!"

The rest of the brothers frantically shook their heads. "No!"


"A-Anyways, she should be okay. Let's just keep an eye on her." Choromatsu suggested, earning a nod from his same-faced brothers. 

Even though they knew that all people get sick, including themselves, it still worried them to see you in this state. You always greeted them with a smile, and this was their first time seeing you so unwell.

"So what should we do now?" Todomatsu questioned, unsure.

"I guess soup should be there when she wakes up..." Choromatsu replied, thinking. "I'll go see if she has any."

With that, Choromatsu left the living room to go into the kitchen. To distract themselves from their worries Osomatsu decided to put something on the television, something interesting enough to hold their attention.

Osomatsu-san x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now