Karamatsu x Anxious!Reader

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You've never been one for confrontation, or boldly speaking your mind. Just the thought of doing so made your stomach churn. It frustrated you at times, when something small goes wrong as you've already got tears in your eyes, or when you're so worried that your heart starts to pound. 

Unable to stop yourself from getting nervous about things, you tried your best to distract yourself with other things, and sometimes it'd work. Other times it wouldn't. However since meeting your boyfriend of now six months, he's helped you a lot.

Karamatsu bad always been perceptive of how people felt, although he came off as dense and maybe a bit oblivious. Since he found out that you were the type to get anxious easily, he borrowed (begged for) his brothers phone to look up ways to help. He was always so supportive but never smothering, and simply knowing he was there calmed you a bit.

Today was like any other, with you diligently washing your dishes and cutlery while listening to the television across the room. It was set to the news, as you wanted to know what the weather would be like for you and Karamatsu's date. 

After the weather report finished, the regular news resumed. You listened as they relayed what they reported earlier, continuing to wash the dishes. However during your chore you cut your hand on a very sharp knife in the sink.

The stinging pain made a whine escape you, and the soapy water was starting to dye red. You immediately took your hand out, wincing at the large cut on your palm. It continued to bleed, the pain becoming intolerable.

Your gut started to feel like it was twisting up. It looked like a deep cut, and you weren't sure where the first-aid kit was.

'What if I need stitches? I don't even know where the first-aid kit is...!'

You hand throbbed, making you clasp it with your other to lessen the pain. You were starting to feel dizzy, unsure if it was due to the cut or your worried state. Either way, it made tears form at the edge of your eyes, threatening to spill.

In your panic you failed to hear the knock on the door, and after a few beats of silence it prompted the person to knock again. Unknown to you it was your loving boyfriend who was now in a state of worry. By luck your door was unlocked and he walked in, him instantly seeing the frightened look on your face.

"Honey!! What's the matter?" He questioned, his eyebrows furrowed. 

You looked back at him tearfully, the sight of it making Karamatsu feel like crying as well. His eyes moved down to your crimson hands, gently placing them in his own. 

"What happened, my darling?" He asked. You sniffled.

"T-There was a knife in the sink... I accidentally c-cut myself on it." You replied shakily. "Do... Do you think I'll need stitches?" 

He smiled assuringly at you to ease your anxiety.  "Worry not, my sweet! As your knight you can leave everything to me!"

After wrapping your hand in a new kitchen cloth, he searched your cupboards for a first-aid kit. Fortunately you did have one, and he set to work on cleaning and badging your hand accordingly. Soon enough your palm looked less like a red mess of blood, only the dull throb of pain being the problem now.

Being very gentle, Karamatsu lifted your hand and kissed your palm very lightly. Your past worries now only a memory. 

For a while he just sat next to you on the couch as you let yourself calm down, leaning into your boyfriend's chest and listening to his steady heartbeat. Hearing it seemed to calm your own, and eventually you felt more relaxed. 

"... Sorry for worrying you." You finally spoke up. 

Karamatsu looked surprise to hear the sudden apology, but smiled. "No need to apologise, I'm glad you're okay." 

A tired smile formed on your face from his kindness, when a thought occurred to you. "I'm glad you were here, but... Why were you here?"

"For our date, of course!" He responded, emphasising the word with a smile. 

Your mouth fell open, already belittling yourself for your forgetfulness. "I'm sorry, I completely forgot..."

"No problem, honey! I'm still spending time with you, so I'm happy." He said genuinely. You could feel your face go warm.

"So am I..." You replied shyly. 

Karamatsu held your bandaged hand gently. "Are you feeling better?" 

You nodded. "Yeah. I feel kind of silly for worrying about it..."

"Don't be, my lovely Karamatsu girl!" He responded passionately. He pulled you even closer into a warm embrace, the action being very comforting. 

Instead of going out for the date, you spent time together at your house. Your hand seemed to have stopped hurting, but that may have been due to Karamatsu distracting you with his usual dramatic speaking. Everything worked out fine as it turns out it was due to rain later today. 


A/N: Requested by @best-day-of-my-life !

Hope this way okay, sorry it was short! Hopefully the fluffy bits made up for it.

Updates are probably going to slow down a bit, but I'll try update regularly. 

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