Karamatsu x Badass!Reader [2]

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Since your first meeting with Karamatsu, you spent a lot of time with him. His presence was a great comfort, and he was good company. His flirty attitude didn't change since you had first met, but it wasn't unwelcome. 

At first you felt a little insecure about your friendship with him. Most people knew you as freakishly strong, and so most people tried to fight you to prove their own 'self worth' or whatever, or they were just scared. Karamatsu was neither, he just liked you.

Today you didn't have much to do, so you decided to just relax at home. However after settling down on the couch watching television, your doorbell rang out throughout the house. 

"Oh, Karamatsu?" You were surprised to see him on your doorstep.

He seemed a little less cool and collected than usual. His shades were resting on his nose but they slid down due to sweat, him anxiously pushing them up as if they were regular glasses.

"Heh. H-Hello, Y/n."

You smiled. "Hi. What are you doing here?" 

He posed, leaning his palm against the frame of your door. "I was wondering... Would you like to go... For a walk?" He paused dramatically as he said it.

"Sure, let me get my jacket." You replied, dissapearing back into your home. Karamatsu kept his smirk steady, and when you left his eyes he gasped, as if out of breath.

He wiped his hands against his forehead. It wasn't even hot out, yet he was sweating buckets. He wasn't even sure why he was worried, you were so kind- you'd never say something to hurt him.

Karamatsu placed a hand across his chest. As he had expected his heart was thumping, feeling it was going ten times as fast. 

"Hey, I'm back!"

"Waaouah!" Karamatsu let out a surprised noise, quickly spinning around to look at you. He coughed into his fist, calming himself.

"Why, hello again." He tried to say in a cool tone. 

You waved, stepping outside. "Hello indeed. Where did you want to go exactly?"

Karamatsu collected himself, swiftly bringing his hand up to pose it against his face with a confident chuckle. "Hmhm. Fate shall lead us, for that is our destiny."

 Instead of scoffing or frowning, you only chuckled with him with sincerity. 

"Sounds good! Shall we go?" You pointed to the pathway in front of your door.

Karamatsu offered you his arm, a princely gesture although he had his head turned away from you slightly. You took it with a bit of surprise, but accepted it with a smile.


Your little walk with Karamatsu turned into something more along the lines of a date. Although you thought that, you subtly shook your head to get rid of the thoughts. He was just a friend, that was it! 

The charm attached to the zipper on your jackets lightly tapping against you made you think otherwise though. After a while, the shade wearing man stopped.

"U-Umm, it's a little hot. I'll get us ice cream, okay honey?" He turned to you with a shaky snark, a sheen of sweat present on his forehead.

You looked at him with a frown. "Karamatsu, are you alright? You look really flushed..." 

When you raised a hand to feel his forehead, he stepped back with almost panic. Suddenly he grinned, desperately trying to appear composed.

"No, no! I'm perfect! As are you- anyway, I should go now." The words spilled out of his mouth. He was acting so strangely, that you decided to step in.

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