Ichimatsu x Reader

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As you had the fourth brother, Ichimatsu as your boyfriend, most days spent with him comprised of visiting the local cats in alleyways.

To others that mays eek like a chore, but you loved cats as much as him. It was peaceful just listening to the cats purr as you exchanged light conversation. The past couple days though, Ichimatsu seemed to be growing increasingly frustrated. 

"... Ichimatsu-kun? Is something wrong?" You asked once again, and he grumbled in response.

You returned your gaze to the soft ball of fur in front of you, a soft frown on your face. It could be so,etching his brothers had done, but for this long? 

Worry started make itself known in your gut, and you bit your lip. You hoped they didn't have a serious fight. Since Ichimatsu had you as a girlfriend, his brothers had been a little snarky. You knew it wasn't out of maliciousness though, they were just jealous. 

Ichimatsu said nothing to add to the conversation as you thought, but he shifted every now and then. He seemed to be looking at your face, and every time he did it seemed to make his mood worse.

Feeling self conscious, you lifted a hand to fiddle with the thick fringe covering your eyes. You heard him click his tongue in annoyance.

Thankfully the cats in front of you both didn't seem to mind the sudden awkwardness, only meowing impatiently to be pet. After a while of doing so, Ichimatsu spoke up.

"... Doesn't that bother you?" 

You looked up at him in surprise, although you couldn't see him all too clearly. "What does?" You asked, puzzled.

His dark eyes flickered to the wall of the alleyway, not meeting your own. After some more silence, he finally explained. "Your hair. It covers your eyes."

"Oh... I've never thought about it, really." You answered honestly. 

A small sigh escaped him, just being heard by you. His words made you ponder something, was it your hair that was bothering him?

'But it's been like this even before I started dating Ichimatsu... Why would it bother him?'  You thought to yourself. 'What would it be like to not have a fringe like this...?'

After a while of feeding the cats and enjoying their cuteness, Ichimatsu stood up. He still didn't seem to be acting normal, but he held his hand out to help you up as he usually did. 

Through the small spaces in your fringe you could see him peering at your face, his expression turning sour after realising he still couldn't see your eyes.

"I can't walk you home. I promised Jyushimatsu I'd play baseball with him. Sorry." He said. 

You shook your head, trying to give him a warm smile. "No, I understand. I have somewhere to go anyway."

He raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it. After walking you out the alleyway the two of you split up. He lifted his hand in a lazy gesture to wave, then turned away.

You watched him go, clasping your hands in front of your chest. So you knew that the source of his bad mood was your fringe, but why? You couldn't think for the life of you why, so you went to look for a second opinion.


"You're still going out with him? Why not go out with a rich, handsome, oil magnate who's also a sportsman-" 

"Um, Totoko-chan." You softly interrupted. "I'm really happy with Ichimatsu, I just need advice."

She innocently blinked at you. "Oh. Well, what do you need advice with?"

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