Karamatsu x Pianist!Reader [1]

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Another day, another rejection. Karamatsu couldn't understand the reason though. Wasn't his perfect fashion enough to attract attention? Even the lines he was sure would be enough to woo were easily ignored. 

'I suppose it's just one of those days.'  He thought sourly. 

Although the cold air and the dark sky beckoned for him to go back to the comforts of his home, the blue man wanted nothing more than to have the company of alcohol that'd make him forget the failures of the day. 

Still being in the fancier part of the city, he decided to go in one of the restaurants although he didn't plan on ordering anything but a drink. Being so late at night, the establishment was mostly empty save for a couple of people seated quietly, most likely on a date. 

To both his surpsoe and his relief, a waiter appeared before him rather quickly. He expected to have to wait patiently for any sort of attention. He still had to walk home after all this, so he didn't order anything too heavy. He was still a bit of a lightweight after all. 

With the dim lights and tranquil music playing throughout out the restaurant, Karamatsu could see why it'd be a popular spot. It left him thinking that it would be a good place for dates, although the thought being a bit bitter.

The music was especially calming in its slowness, the melody was almost soothing his troubled heart after his long day. His eyes wandered around the room, eventually laying upon the source. 

A woman, perhaps around his own age was sitting in front of the piano, fingers gliding across the keys with both ease and precision. Not only that, but her face held a certain peacefulness to it, as if her mind was completely focused on the song, and happily done so as well. 

Something about her made Karamatsu unable to tear his eyes away,  which he didn't particularly mind. However when being handed the drink, his reach for it caused it be knocked out of the waiter's hand. The liquids inside the cup spilled as one would expect, unfortunately covering over Karamatsu's clothes.

Rapid apologies left the waiter's mouth, to which the now soaked man replied with a dismissive wave. 

"I'll get a towel right away sir." The waiter said, the quickly left the area. Now that Karamatsu was getting used to the coldness (and to his disgust, the stickiness...) he realised that the restaurant was now without sound.

A quick look up was all it took to lock eyes with the pianist, her expression one of surprise. Seeing that their gaze was matched, the woman's lips turned up slightly in a sympathetic smile before abandoning the grand piano she had so lovingly played before. 

At least now he no longer had the attention of the customers. Despite wanting to be noticed, Karamatsu didn't want people staring at him when he was like this... 

"Here you go." 

"Ah, thank- huh?" Karamatsu cut himself off in shock, as handing him a towel wasn't the waiter that hads served him, but the pretty pianist. Even though he was staring up at her with a comically startled look.

She only smiled in response, holding out the cloth closer to him. "Take it. It'd be a shame if your jacket got ruined." 

"Y... Yes, I suppose it would be..." With that he took the cloth. 

Fortunately that wasn't the end of the interaction, as the woman seated herself on the chair adjacent to his. Maybe he luck hasn't run out after all? Well actually... It might be that his luck was finally working in his favour.

"Shouldn't you be by the piano?" Karamatsu questioned curiously. "N-Not that I don't appreciate the company!" He quickly assured.

"Yes, but it's late anyway. Besides, we have speakers that play music as well." She explained. 

Karamatsu nodded with understanding. "I see... Still, I think they'd rather hear you play."

"Me?" She asked. 

"Of course, I could tell it came straight from the heart. Who wouldn't want to listen to something so genuine?" As he spoke he realised how embarrassing his words were. "W-Well, that's just what I think."

Thankfully she didn't find his statement as cringeworthy as he did, and much to his bewilderment actually seemed delighted at the compliment. 

"Ah, ha... You really think so?" She fiddled with the ends of her hair, her face looking a tint pinker in comparison to her fingers. 

He was starting to think it was impossible, but could it be? A girl who wasn't disgusted by him?! Overcome with a new confidence, Karamatsu did was he does best.

As he had practiced previously, Karamatsu took out his sunglasses and spun then around his fingers before finally placing them on his face. I know what you're thinking; it's just too cool. 

"Heh, a lady of your skill should be on the stage! You name deserves to be in bright lights!" He stated confidently. 

The pianist laughed, but it wasn't a cruel one. "Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm fine here though. As long as I can play piano, then I'm happy!" 

Still shocked that she had shown no signs of disgust, it took a moment from Karamatsu to reply. "Ah, I see... Heh, how noble."

"Besides, a lot of people can't afford to go to big concerts... If I'm somewhere lots of people can be, then I'll be able to be more helpful." She continued, her voice holding a certain fondness to it. 


Her shoulders went rigid suddenly, as if she was startled by her own words. "Haha, sorry. That's embarrassing, isn't it? I was just thinking that because you looked so sad earlier when you came in. If I could help you feel better, even if it's just a bit with my playing, then it'd I'd be happy."

Once again Karamatsu was lost for words, but when the woman in front of him smiled bashfully it prompted him to speak. 

"It did!" He said hurriedly. "A-Ahem. That is to say, it was the sound of the siren, I was under your spell." 

A giggle as melodious as her piano playing left her lips. "That's good, then. I'm glad." 

A sudden expression of realisation went across her face as she lightly gasped. "Oh, I should be going back now. But I'm glad you're feeling a bit better."

Karamatsu's eyes followed her as stood up. "Ah, yes... Thank you." 

His clothes were now dry and considerably less sticky, but her disappearance caused a different kind of discomfort. Although he'd be lying if he said he didn't like seeing the serene expression on her face as she returned to playing the piano. 

Eventually he got his order (safe in the glass it was presented in this time) and was able to enjoy the music properly this time. When it got late he exited the restaurant and made it halfway down the street before he remembered.

"Ah, mistake!" He cried out no one. "I forgot to ask her name..." 

He turned his head to look back at the restaurant, his sigh causing there to be condensation in the air. 'Well, it's not like there'll never be a next time.'


A/N: Sorry it's a bit short! I've been addicted to a game so that's why it took me a little while to update again. ^^

This was inspired by the trailer for the Catherine remake, as they added a pianist in The Stray Sheep. 

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