Todomatsu + Coxcomb

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When you first met Todomatsu, he seemed perfect. He practically radiated confidence in his workplace, Sutaba. 

At first, it actually put you off how flawless he seemed. Thankfully your love of the cafe brought you back, even if you didn't particularly like the employee. 

He gave off the impression that he liked you, as he'd put little drawings on your cup that you though were cute, and would always greet you with a smile. Eventually the two of you got acquainted, and he'd chat with you each time you visited the popular café.

Today was just like any other. You entered the shop and sat at your usual seat after ordering. As you had expecting, Todomatsu came over.

"Hi~ you ordered this, right?" He asked, setting your order on the table.

You nodded, a small smile on your own face. "Yeah, thanks." 

What you didn't expect was for Todomatsu to sit down across from you. Looking at with a quizzical stare, he only smiled cutely.

"My break's soon anyway, so let's chat! No good?" 

You hesitated, thinking about it. You wouldn't mind the company...

"Okay, but I don't really have much to talk about." You admitted.

Todomatsu shook his head with an almost blinding smile. "Whaat? No way, someone pretty like you must be busy with your boyfriend or something, right?" 

You pinned some hair behind your ear with an embarrassed expression. "... I don't have a boyfriend."

His doe-like eyes widened. "Eh, really? That's interesting." 

An awkward feeling started to surface. He wasn't shy at all, was he? 

'What am I supposed to say to that...?'

Todomatsu might have noticed your uncertainty, as he smiled at you kindly.

"Well since you're not busy, want to hang out with me?" He asked.

It took a moment for your mind to register the meaning of his words, your cheeks feeling warm. "W-what?"

"Yeah, it'll be fun! What do you say?" 

To be completely honest, you weren't one to spend all your time outside the area of your home. Maybe it'd be nice to try something new.

You thought it over, eventually nodding. "Sure, w-what time is good for you?"

His face practically lit up, a smile already forming on his face. "Really? Yay~ Tomorrow I'm free, how about you?"

"Yeah, I'm probably not doing anything." You said, knowing for sure that you weren't doing anything at all.

Todomatsu took out a pen from his pocket and picked up your now empty cup, writing something on the side of it. He handed it back to you after he was finshed.

Curious, you turned over the cup to see a number written neatly on the side, of course with the usual smiley face present as always.

He stood up from his seat, giving you a cute wave. "I better get going, see ya!"

You waved back a bit more timidly, and he went back behind the counter. 


After leaving Sutaba, you were starting to regret your decision.  You didn't know him well, and you didn't have much experience on dates. 

Today was the day said date was planned, and you didn't feel any less nervous. You were even anxious about what type of outfit to pick, eventually deciding on something cuter than usual but still comfortable so you wouldn't feel too out of place. 

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