Matsuno Brothers x Singer!Reader

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Being an avid visitor to the Matsuno household as well as holding the title as their girlfriend, it became a habit for you to just come in and announce your presence. You did so today, as well, but there was surprisingly no answer. 

You waited for a moment, expecting Jyushimatsu to come running at you any second now, but heard no voices nor footsteps. 

Curious, you checked each oomph of the house. The living room was clear, even the shared bedrooms were completely empty. When you made your way to the kitchen there was finally evidence of human life; a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. 

You sighed. Poor Matsuyo and Matsuzo.

Well, you didn't have anything else to do. Plus your boyfriends would come back eventually. When they would, you weren't sure, but at least you had a way to kill time now. Although the stack of used plates and bowls were looking overwhelmingly ominous...

... You can do this, they were just dishes! 

To your delight, you managed to slay the towering pile, and the plates and bowl were now sparkling as you packed them back into the cupboards. You were happy to get it done, but now that the tap was turned off and the sounds of water had since been silenced, you heard nothing else but the clock slowly ticking.

They still weren't home! Since when did they have such an exciting social life?! 

You absentminded gazed around the rest of the kitchen. Your silly NEETs' parents fid a good job holding the house together all on their own. You felt a little bad they had to do so though, especially with their age...

Before you knew it you had set out on cleaning the rest of the kitchen. Dusting, wiping, scrubbing, you did it all! With your earplugs in and your phone playing music, it felt less like a chore and instead like a calming ritual that kept your mind at ease. You got so into it, you kinda forgot where you were.

At first you were simply humming along with the soothing melody, but soon enough you were singing the peaceful lyrics aloud in the family kitchen. Your hand movements were now in rhythm with your singing.

"Sing with me a song of silence and blood, the rain falls but can't wash a way the mud. Within my ancient heart dwells, madness and pride, can no one hear my cry." 

"You are the oceans grey waves, destined to seek life beyond the shore, just out of reach. Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time, the path is yours to climb. You are the oceans grey waves..."

Your singing faded out as you listened to the end of the song, nodding at your hard work. Listening to music really did help when it came to cleaning. You felt oddly relaxed, too.

Until you turned around and were met with six of the same face. You jumped with a small shriek, stumbling back before releasing the familiarity of the men.

"W-Wha, guys, when did you get here?!" You managed to splutter out, awkwardly brushing your clothes.

They didn't respond right away, making you raise your head again to look at them clearly. Each one of them looked flustered, their cheeks a pink tint. Jyushimatsu spoke up first, smiling but still flushed.

"You have a pretty singing voice, Y/n-chan!" He complimented. Your own face started to feel warm immediately at his statement. 

You mouth opened, but you found yourself struggling to piece together any words into a proper sentence. Eventually you managed to speak.

"You... You guys heard that...?" You questioned quietly, dreading the answer.

All of a sudden Choromatsu sprung into action, waving his hands in a comical but dismissive fashion as he desperately tried to explain the situation. Previously, he was basically a red-faced statue.

Osomatsu-san x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now