Osomatsu x Tired!Reader

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You didn't actually mean to stay up so late. You were just finishing that video you were watching, then you clicked some related videos... Then you saw sunlight streaming through the space of your curtains. 

Although you felt undoubtedly tired, you couldn't sleep now, as it was daytime and if you did you'd be knocked out for the rest of the day. Then you'd be stuck continuing the cycle of sleeping all day, staying up all night.

Thankfully you didn't have anything important to do, so you stayed at home trying to keep your eyes open. The television droned on, only aiding your dreamlike state to become even drowsier. So when there was a sudden knock at the door it had you jump like a frightened cat.

You got up, feeling a tad dizzy before steadying yourself and making your way to the door. When you opened it, you were greeted by a bright red.

"Hey, babe! Woah what's up with your face?" He asked curiously. You knew deep down he didn't meant to blatantly insult you like that, but being so tired also made you cranky, more so with his comment.

"Jeez, thanks." You said flatly, your body practically leaning against the wall on its own. His eyebrows furrowed, clearly puzzled about what was currently happening.

"Uh... Did something happen?"

"No. Did something happen?" You repeated the question blankly. 

Osomatsu would've laughed if he wasn't slightly worried. He slowly stepped in, putting his firms hands on your shoulders. 

"Why don't you go sit down?" He instructed lightly. His big brother tendencies seemed to be showing, but you didn't really mind. 

Once you blinked you were flopped back on your comfy couch, your body feeling as if it was sinking inside it. When you looked up at your boyfriend with sleepy eyes he understood.

"Oh, I get it." He had a cheeky smile on his face. "Someone stayed up all night."

You smiled guiltily. "Yeah..."

Osomatsu started to click his tongue mockingly when you shot a half-hearted glare at him.

"Well, don't you? You're a NEET, it's expected!" You argued. 

"Don't assume! As a NEET, I take great care in being lazy. I have to have a good sleep schedule for that!" He countered. Always his words were definitely not something to be proud of, he had a point.

You groaned, sinking deeper into the couch. "A NEET has a better sleep schedule than me..."

"Exactly." He grinned. "Hey wait, don't say it like that!"

Without any warning he plopped down beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist and crushed you. At least he just felt like a cushiony hot water bottle.

"Why'd you stay up all night anyway?" He asked, readjusting his position. His arm rested behind your neck, your head lolling to the side and on his shoulder.

With both the warmth and comfort of his soft jumper, your eyelids were starting to close. "I'm bad at time management."

He let out a soft chuckle. "If it wasn't for Choromatsu keeping us in line, I'd be the same. But hey, it's not liking taking naps is a bad thing, is it?"

When he heard no answer, he looked over only to see you snoozing away, a peaceful expression on your sleepy face.  Unconsciously a gently smile formed on his face as he swept stray hairs from your face.

The relaxed atmosphere made Osomatsu yawn too. Soon enough his eyes were completely closed, and he was napping alongside you with his head resting against yours.


A/N: Not a request, I got this idea as I usually stay up due to poor decision making, which included last night!

This might not be very good as I wrote it without any sleep, but I hope it was enjoyable! Sorry it was short. ^^

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