Todomatsu + Forgetfulness

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Todomatsu just couldn't control the smile on his face. It stayed as his alarm first went off, only widening when his brothers groaned at the sound, and it stayed throughout breakfast as well. Now that he was at the meeting spot, he could only continue to beam as he fixed his hat. 

His good mood was due to the fact that today he had scheduled a date with you, after many tries of asking you, you finally agreed. At first he wondered why you seemed to apprehensive, after all you were already going out. He didn't think much of it though, just happy you said yes. 

Plus it was great seeing the jealous-fuelled scowls on his brother's faces, so it was win-win! 

However good his mood was though, his excitement had began to fizzle out. Fifteen minutes turned into thirty, and soon enough an hour. As he watched the numbers change on his phone a sense of dread weighed heavily on his shoulders. Maybe you were held up with something, or... Did you really stand him up? There was no way, right...?

Todomatsu went through a varying amount of emotion, firstly being concerned, the soon becoming frustrated. What was the problem?! If something came up, then surely you'd text him, right? 

Glaring down at his phone he rapidly tapped the screen, the passive-aggressiveness simply oozing from them. 

'Um, hey! Where are you? I've been waiting for a while now.'

He began to tap his foot, waiting for an answer. Alas, a reply never came. 

He furrowed his eyebrows. 'Fine, be that way!' 

If you weren't going to emery up with him, he was going to come to you! He sure had a lot to say. 


Hearing a repetitive tapping on your door had you confused, but nonetheless you opened the door, seeing your boyfriend's face on the end. As he saw you he smiled, but you were fooled so easily.

"Todomatsu? What's wrong?" You asked, puzzled. Was he annoyed at his brothers again?

Your gentle question was met with irritation as Todomatsu frowned at you. "What's wrong?!"

"Uh, yeah? That's what I said..." You stepped aside as Todomatsu walked in, completely out the loop. Luckily for you, Todomatsu was up to explaining... Well, complaining would be more accurate.

You closed the door as he began his rant.

"Hmm, I don't know, maybe it's because I just waited for an hour for my girlfriend who never even though to text me, maybe that's what's wrong!" He said frustratedly, glaring at you.

You blinked, tipping your head to the side. "You were waiting for me?"

"Um, yeah!" Todomatsu pouted with a light scoff. "You could've just said that you didn't want to go on a date."

It took a moment, but suddenly it all flooded back, and you lightly slapped your forehead with your palm. "Oh, that was today...!"

"You don't need to pretend. Don't worry, I've got the message." He responded coldly, walking back to the door. As he passed you, you quickly shot out your hand with a desperation to explain.

"Wait, that's not it!"

Todomatsu's face softened slightly, but he remained unconvinced. More than anything he just felt hurt, thinking you lied to him. He supposed it was a form of karma, but that didn't make it any less painful.

"What?" He asked, voice quiet. "You're telling me you seriously forgot?"

You nodded. "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to ditch you, really! I've just always had an awful memory..."

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