Osomatsu x Cheating!Reader

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Being Osomatsu's girlfriend was without a doubt fun. Since you started going out he'd make you laugh, each day becoming an enertaining one. You didn't really mind his habits such as spending all his money on pachinko and betting on horse races, that was until every date the two of you went on he'd turn up with no money, and you be paying for it all. 

Then when you'd be having a bad day and Osomatsu simply wouldn't notice, and would try feel you up as usual. All these things built up from little annoyances to be something you absolutley hated. 

You were just leaving you were work when you came across something you never thought you'd see. Across the street, not too far away was a very familiar person wearing a suit. He looked strangely serious. To be honest, you were kind of avoiding  him because you were still annoyed, but your curiousity got the better of you, causing your feet to start crossing the road before you could stop them.

Nearing closer, you put your hand on his shoulder, making a small shriek escape him. That was... Unexpected.

"What are you dressed up for? I never see you in a suit." 

He quickly turned with wide eyes, and you knew you had the wrong person. 

"Oh, shoot. You're... Choromatsu, right?" You asked slowly, unsure.

He nodded, backing away a little. It wasn't that Osomatsu never told you about his brothers, he actually wouldn't stop talking about them. So even when never meeting them, you knew more about them than you wanted to. Especially about Choromatsu... 

You realised there had been a hanging silence between you for a while. 

"So you're dressed up today? Osomatsu told me none of you had jobs." You couldn't stop your tone from sounding irritated slightly. 

Choromatsu sighed, nodded reluctantly. "That's true. It doesn't mean I'm not trying though! Unlike those lousy, good for nothing..." 

He had started to mumble, so you spoke up again, making him jump. Again. 

"That's good then. Anything in mind?" 

He looked happy suddenly, beginning to move his hands and gesturing wildy. 

"Yes! I'd like a high-paying office job where I'm able to give my thoughts, of course I'm not asking for free handouts, I'm obviously going to work as hard as I can! Maybe if it all goes well I can-" he stopped, rubbing his neck.

"Sorry, I was going on there, wasn't I?" 

You finally realised you had said nothing, wiping the surprised look off your face. Giving him a kind smile, you shook your head.

"No, it's fine. It's good you have a plan." You said genuinely. Your mind went to your boyfriend, who never once mentioned getting a job, or even having any goals! The thought made your fists clench. 

Choromatsu noticed, a bead of sweat running down his temple. "Y/n-san...?"

You blinked, looking back at him. "Sorry, I was thinking about something." Then something occurred to you. 

"How do you know my name?" 

"Osomatsu told us all about you. He won't shut up about having a girlfriend before us..." He said, begrudgingly.

Usually you'd be happy your boyfriend would be telling his family about you but something he said made you think. 

'First to have a girlfriend? Is that all that matters to him...?'

Choromatsu saw the deep frown on your face and fiddled with his hands awkwardly. Did he say something wrong? Did he put his tie on wrong?!

You let out an unconscious sigh, ruffling your hair. "I see." 

Osomatsu-san x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now