Matsuno Brothers x Reader

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"So this is what you guys were planning..." You muttered to yourself as you stepped inside the gated area. Just from one glance you could see a large Ferris wheel towering above. Due to it being late evening, the lights were a pretty glow against the dark sky. 

Not only that, they was also many rides, some being quite daunting. Stalls littered the street from side to side, but each of them looked welcoming and gave off a fun aura. 

Osomatsu rubbed his nose proudly. "Heheh, great, right? Man, it took a lot of saving to-"

"A-Anyways, we wanted to do something nice for you, since you're always so nice t-to us..." Choromatsu interrupted, his cheeks growing pink has he spoke.

His words instantly touched your heart. "Aw, guys..."

"Heh, I suggested a moonlit picnic, accompanied by the sweet sounds of the oceans waves crashing upon the sandy shore-!"

"Uh, no." Ichimatsu swiftly disagreed. Karamatsu's pose didn't falter.

"We decided to go for something we'd all be into! Too bad they don't have a baseball stadium here." Jyushimatsu said. You ruffled his hair and his face considerably brightened at the action. 

"Well what are we standing around for? Let's go!" Todomatsu pushed, stepping forward and linking his arms with yours. Each brothers head in recoiled in shock. 

"Oi, Totty!!" "Don't act cocky, youngest!"


And so you and your troublesome but loving group went gallivanting around the carnival, checking out on what the many stalls had to offer. As expected there candy floss to buy as well as other sugary sweets. 

One stall was quite strange, given that it had what looked to be actual rubbish on the table to be sold. You and the six brothers eyes it wearily.

The man behind the stall clapped his hands and smiled a bit forcefully. "Welcome, za- ah,  I-I mean, I have many nice items! Like this!" 

Without looking the weirdly familiar man grabbed something ungracefully from the table. It was a foul-smelling empty can. Ants crawled out of the top, obviously from being disturbed. 

Todomatsu was the first to relax, backing up behind you with a disgusted noise. You smiled as you leant back to nudge your head against his shoulder reassuringly. 

"This..." Karamatsu spoke slowly, as if he couldn't believe it. 

"Is obviously just trash! Who do you think you're fooling?!" Osomatsu contiued with a much louder tune. 

The man in charge of the stall huffed. "You nasty sextuplets don't know treasure when they see it. I spent hours searching- um, trading, with higher-ups! From France, may I add!"

After searching what was exposed of the man's face, you finally came to a conclusion. "Hey, isn't this-?"

"Let's go, Y/n-chan." Todomatsu said, lighting pushing you forward with a steady hand. The rest nodded and followed. Looking back, you could see the mysteriously familiar man rip off the disguise in anguish. 


"Hey, hey, let's go on that!" Jyushimatsu waved his yellow sleeve, enthusiastically pointing upwards. 

Following his covered finger, your eyes rested upon a large roller coaster, the overwhelming height making you think how the inevitable drop. 

"Oh? Looks interesting." Ichimatsu said, hands in his pockets. Although his expression didn't change much to match his words...

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