Jealous!Todomatsu x Gamer!Reader

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Todomatsu could admit he got jealous at times, and why wouldn't he? He was lucky having met you, someone who was unbelievably cute. Knowing that, he expected that many guys would stare at you, and that they did! All while he was still present! 

The nerve of that! Just the thought made him grind his teeth. Deep down he knew his reason for being jealous was pathetically flimsy, and even deeper down he understood it was due to his well hidden insecurity. Try as he may, it wasn't so easy for him to get out of the NEET lifestyle; he was always drawn back into its clutches. 

At times Todomatsu was sure you'd be sick of it and leave, and yet you never did. You enjoyed his company and always seemed to be smiling and joking with him. He never felt the need to put a front, all sides of his personality were unmasked around you.

When you caught wind of his jealous, you only laughed it off and promised him you loved him the most. He was so caught off guard and embarrassed his reply ended up a bit snarky before he could stop himself, and when he was about to mentally kick himself you only laughed louder and wrapped an arm around him into a hug. 

So with your confirmation of love for him and his insecurity-filled thoughts finally put to rest, everything was going swell. Todomatsu was able to focus on just enjoying his time with you instead of concentrating on useless worries. 

...For a while. But how was he supposed to deal with this?! His seemingly unsolvable anxieties had ended with real life guys; but they had just begun with 2D ones!

It was first noticed by Todomatsu when he came over to visit you. Although the two of you went on plenty of dates, that didn't mean that you both didn't enjoy just lazing around. He sat close to you, his side touching yours. 

He was mindlessly scrolling through his phone when his eyes wandered to the game you were playing. Being only used to apps and board games, he couldn't really tell the genre, but there were a lot of characters in it. Many were brandishing weapons, others staffs and books.

Feeling his stare, you leaned back into him.  "What's up?"

"Huh? Nothing." Todomatsu replied. "What is that?"

"It's an RPG!" You answered back enthusiastically. "I've been grinding to build my units up. They're going to be unstoppable." 

He held in a chuckle at your confident smile, although your words were a bit lost on him. He leant forward and rested his chin on your head, looking down at the dual-screens. 

"Hmm. Isn't that boring? You're just fighting stuff over and over." 

You shrugged. "I don't really mind. It's worth it to see everyone getting stronger, especially when you get some good skills!"

Todomatsu hummed in response as you gestured to the character screen. "See? I gave her the hero class to get Sol, then I can pass it on."

"'Pass it on'?" He questioned. You nodded happily in response.

"Yeah! In this game you can have two characters get to an S-Support, then their kid gets their skill passed down."  You informed. 

Your explanation didn't do much to help his confusion. "S-Support...?"

"Yep, they get married." Was your natural reply.

Feeling him move, you looked back at him. Surprise had crossed his face.

"Married? Wait- I thought this was a R... R... Whatever!" He spluttered. He didn't know why the thought of marriage was getting him so flustered.

You blinked. "RPG? Yeah, it is! This game is just a little different. That's part of why I'm grinding too, to see all the supports."

"O-Oh..." He would be lying if he said he didn't feel a bit foolish. "I see."

Silence settled between you again, only the sound of buttons being clicked being heard.

"Hey, don't you have your own character too? I think I saw you customising one before." Todomatsu spoke up. 

"Mhm-hm!" The button sounds continued. 

"S-So... Do you have a, uh... S-Support with someone?" Desperately trying to appear uncaring, he looked off to the side in case you turned to face him. 

You didn't, not finding his sudden question weird at all like he thought.

"Of course!"

His head snapped back so fast he was afraid for a movement he'd get whiplash. "'O-Of course?!"

Another happy nod from you. "Yeah, and I got some good skills passed down to him too!"

"You have a kid?!" 

This time you looked back at him, tilting your head questionably. "I do, I mentioned that, didn't I?"

"M-Mhm, you did..." He wasn't just overreacting right? Right?! 

"Not only is my son cute, he wipes out the battlefield too!" You proudly stated. "All thanks to Silas passing down Luna."

Unconsciously his arms wrapped around you, his chin returning to its resting place on your head. "... Silas, huh."

You had paid no mind to his grumpy tone, when the tightness of the hug caught your attention. "Todomatsu? Hey, Totty!"

He snapped out of it. "Eh, W-What?"

"You were squeezing me super tight there! Not that I mind your hugs." You added with a giggle. You leant back completely, making Todomatsu back hit the couch.

He said nothing, but his silence spoke volumes. You stifled your chuckles.

"Hey, even thought Silas is my chosen husband."


"And even though I married him in every playthrough so far..."


You turned fully on your side, allowing you to look at your pouty boyfriend in the face. You smiled, reaching your hand up to playfully pat his cheek.

"You're my number one husbando. Okay?"

Your touch had caused his cheeks to blush, not only noticeably in their pink colour but also in the warmth that spread to your palm. However his eyes looked lost.

"... Wait, what's a husbando?"

You stayed silent, then spluttered into a laugh. "It's a compliment. It means I love you."

Somehow Toodmatsu's face seemed to redden even more.

"O-Oh... I... I love you too." He mumbled. 

You retracted your hand, kissing his cheek instead. Then you returned to your game. "Now I've got to get back to this. Hey, why don't you help me play matchmaker?"

Now that you weren't facing him to see his flushed face, he regained his usual confidence.  "Hmm, I don't know. I don't think any couple can be as good as us."

You laughed, your own face feeling warm. "True!"


A/N: I've been addicted to playing Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations lately, so it gave me the idea for this! 

It's a little short, but hopefully it's enjoyable. ^^ 

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