Todomatsu x Dense!Reader

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There were a lot of things Todomatsu kept a secret from his brothers, like his job at Sutaba. Usually his brothers would end up finding out anyway, but this time Todomatsu made sure nobody knew about his crush, you.

Actually, he's been trying to get you to realise his feelings for you, but you didn't understand him at all. It was another he loved about you, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't frustrated. 

So today, he had a plan. He was going to be completely open and affectionate with you, that would make realise right? It was worth a shot.

Previously he had texted you to meet him in the town so you both could hang out together. Thankfully, you had accepted. Now he just had to hope for the best. 

He wasn't expecting to already be a blushing mess once he met up with you. As usual, you were so pretty without even trying. He calmed himself and jogged over to you.

"Hey, Y/n~!" 

You lifted your eyes from the ground and faced him, smiling.

"Oh, hi Todomatsu." 

He gave you a cute cat-like grin. "Did you dress up? You look even cuter than usual!"

"Aw, thanks. I just picked clothes at random though." You replied, not embarrassed at all. Todomatsu resisted the urge to huff.

"Really?" He asked with big eyes. "Well, I guess you're just that talented."

You laughed, shaking your hand at him dismissively. "Not really. So, where did you want to go today?" 

Todomatsu was taken aback by your calm attitude. He didn't just throw this many compliments for just anyone!

"A-ah, anywhere's fine."


You had both decided to go window shopping for now, since you weren't hungry enough to eat a meal.

While making your way down the streets, there was a shop that sold many types of clothing, and in the window was mannequin dressed in a lovely outfit, fit for a princess.

Seeing this put Todomatsu in high spirits again, seeing this as his chance to possibly make you blush again.

He tugged at your sleeve, smiling cutely when he got your attention. 

"Hey, look at this!" He called, pointing at the outfit.

You gazed at the mannequin in the window. "Oh, it's pretty."

"Right? You should try it on!" 

You turned your head towards him, pointing to yourself. "Me? I don't really..."

"You'd be gorgeous in it! Although, you already are." He winked at you, causing you to smile at him hopelessly.

Noticing your smile, he was filled with confidence. "Actually, I'll get it for you!"

"That's nice, but..." You were cut off.

"Well, I just like treating the girl I like!" He told you, his eyes closed while nodding.

You tapped him on the shoulder. "Totty, it's..."

He opened his eyes, confused. "Huh?"

Seeing where you were looking, he saw the tag on the assembled outfit. He had to stop himself from gaping. The price... 

You couldn't help but chuckle a bit at his shocked facial expression, patting him on the shoulder.

"It's the thought that counts. I like the clothes I have anyway!" You said to him with a reassuring tone. 

You two continued to window shop as you strolled down the street, this time with Todomatsu feeling sorry for himself. The feeling soon passed however, as a stall set up across the road caught his eye. He tugged on your sleeve lightly.

"Hey, it sure is hot today, huh?" He said, wiping his forehead for effect.

You nodded, unaware of his plan. "Yeah, but I don't mind too much." 

"Eh? In this heat? You're so strong, Y/n-chan!" Todomatsu complimented, clasping his hands together. "I'm sweating though... Hey! There's some ice cream!" 

Before you could say anything, he linked arms with you and while the road was clear, led you over to a ice cream stall. The customer in from was just leaving as you came close, and the owner greeted you with a smile.

"Hi, what can I get you?" They asked, and Todomatsu smiled, giving him the order. 

He might not be able to buy you a fancy dress, but he sure can buy you your favourite ice cream! Food is more important anyway, right? 

After obtaining your ice creams, Todomatsu paid and led you over to a nearby bench under the shade of a tree. It was extremely comfortably on such a sunny day. 

The coolness of the ice cream made you feel refreshed, and you leaned back on the bench, relaxed, not noticing Todomatsu's stare.

Instead of his face being cooled off, his face seemed to be getting warmer. He quickly shook his head to get rid of pesky thoughts, he wasn't anything like his brothers after all!

In his daze he suddenly noticed a bit of ice cream on your lips that you hadn't done anything about. Seeing it made him have to fight down a smirk. Perfect!

He brought up his hand and gently wiped it, catching your attention. 

"Jeez, Y/n-chan. Don't waste it!" He scolded lightly, licking the ice cream of his fingers. 

Instead of seeing the results he was expecting, a blush, a glance away, anything to show that you were embarrassed, instead...

"Oh, yeah. Thanks!" 

You quickly turned back to your ice cream and were mindful of how you were eating it, as Todomatsu could only watch, completely stone-faced.

Soon, your ice cream was done. You turned to Todomatsu only to see him with a dead look in his eyes, and melted ice cream all over his hands. 

"Hey, you were scolding me before about that!" You lightly chuckled, brushing a finger up his ice cream covered hands and licking it off the tip of your index finger. 

This snapped him out of his pessimistic trance, and he stared at you with a look of disbelief and embarrassment, his cat mouth gaped.

You titled your head, finishing off the ice cream.

"Hm? What is it?" You hummed.

He blinked frantically, waving his shaking hands. "N-nothing, nothing!" 

"You sure? Your face is flushed, is it too hot?"

"TOO HOT?! W-what's too hot?" He nervously laughed, shifting his eyes.

His strange behaviour made you raise an eyebrow. 

"The weather? It's boiling today." You said matter of fact, and he sighed with relief. 

You were starting to get worried, and stood up. 

"Maybe the heat is getting to you. Come on, I'll walk you home." You told him kindly, holding out a hand. 

He stared at your outstretched hand for a moment, then held it with his own.

Things might have not worked out for him the way he wanted them to, but it turned out alright today. 


A/N This isn't a request, I just had this idea. 

Also, I plan to have another oneshot out before August ends, so I'll try get that done soon! 😊

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