Totoko x Reader

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Here you were in Totoko's room, simply looking around. She invited you for an impromptu sleepover, but you didn't have any problems with it. Her reason for it was that she 'needed to be around someone normal for once', but the way her face lit up when you agreed told you differently.

Totoko entered once more, a tray of snacks held in her hand. She sat it on the flor in front of you, kneeling to your level. Her expression had remained bright as it did when she first came in, but you could slowly see the beads of sweat form on her temples.

"Um, Totoko...?" You called. 

She stayed silent, then suddenly slammed her palms onto her face in anguish. You jumped at the quick movement. 

"I invited you here but... I don't even know how a regular sleepover works!" She admitted in her... Emotional state. "Damn it!"

"It's okay!" You reassured. "There's no 'proper' way to do it, we can just have fun doing whatever." 

Totoko let her hands fall from her face and instead rested them in her lap. "R-Really? Then, um... Oh!"

Just like her that, her eyes began to sparkle again. "Well, usually I make posters or help out my parents with the shop!"

You laughed good-naturedly, waving your hand. "Not like that, I mean... We can watch a movie or something, or paint our nails."

"Really? Just that?" She tilted her head to the side, her hair falling slightly with the action. "Then I'll go get some stuff!"

Like a whirlwind Totoko jumped to her feet, rushing to the side of the room and sitting in front of you again. As you watched her sort out colours, you patted the spot next to you.

"We don't have to sit so far apart, come here!" You said with a smile. Totoko looked at you blankly for a moment before she nodded with a somewhat sheepish smile.

"R-Right!" She sat beside you like you had suggested. For someone who seemed so confident, she seemed almost awkward here. She did mention earlier she didn't know what to do during a sleepover... 

"Ah, this is so cute!" She giggled, holding up a nail varnish. You smiled back at her.

"Want me to paint them?' You offered, gesturing with your hand. Totoko paused and glanced between your hand her own, before holding them out with uncertainty.

You opened up the small bottle, then took her hand in yours before painting her nails. As you did so you couldn't help but notice the silence. Totoko was a girl you knew to be, well... Very loud. It didn't seem like anything personal was going on either, she usually told you (and also complained to you) about her life, so that didn't seem the case either.

You glanced up at her, seeing her tense expression. You decided to finally bring it up.

"Totoko?" You had said it in a soft tone, but her shoulders still went rigid. 


You paused, trying to get your thoughts in order. "Uh... Is something wrong?"

She shook her head firmly. "N-No, it's nothing..."

You raised your eyebrows. "Really? Then what's up?"

Totoko's brown eyes averted themselves from your own, but she soon let out a sigh and looked at you again. "I just... I've never done anything like this before. Since I was a kid I had Osomatsu-kun and the rest around, but I've never actually been close to a girl my age."

To your surprise her voice had lowered, but you heard her all the same. Still, you let her continue.

"And I thought this would be nice to do, so we could still be friends..."

Her gaze was downcast once more, and you chuckled. She looked up at you, eyes wide. 

"Were you worrying about it? Of course we're friends!" You told her. "I agree it is nice to do things like this every now and then." 

"Really?" Her eyes had become glossy with tears. 

You nodded. "Yeah! Is that why you were being so awkward?"

"A-Awkward?!" She repeated in disbelief. You simply laughed, and she couldn't help but smile either. 

After the both of your laughs faded into giggles, you spoke up. "Really, don't be thinking this has to be like in the movies or anything. We can just do it the old Totoko and Y/n way." 

"Yeah, I'd like that." She replied, her smile small but warm. You felt much more comfortable seeing it after her stilted actions previously. 

"Good!" You beamed. "Now give me your other hand."

As you were painting her nails, Totoko became her usual self. She chatted to you about anything and everything, from her latest concert to how she sold a bunch of fish to a happy customer.

However in the middle of her talking, she suddenly cut her self off mid-sentence. You glanced up at her quizzically.

"What is it?" You questioned. 

With the hand that had dried completely, she brushed back the side of her fringe slightly. "U-Um, I... I just realised I was talking about myself the whole time. I'm used to doing that." 

You hummed in response. "Hm? That's fine. It's interesting to hear how busy your life is. Compared to mine, you and the sextuplets lead quite the exciting life." 

"It's always been like that." Totoko responded. "It used to be just pranks though."  

"Oh, really?" You asked with interest. Totoko nodded.

"In older seasons, it was focused on Iyami." She huffed. "I should have gotten more screen time!"

You were becoming a bit lost on what she meant, but shrugged it off. You had gotten used to doing that with your interesting friends. "Ah. Iyami, huh..."

"Mhm. Well, it was still fun. But I wish..." She trailed off. 

Your head had tipped to the side in confusion. "Huh? Did you say something?"

Her complexion seemed to go pink under the dim light in her bedroom. "I was just saying, I wish we were friends growing up." 

You couldn't stop the 'aw' leaving your mouth. Totoko seemed to think you were making fun of her, and she swiftly turned her face away with a pout.

Now down with her nails, you put a hand on her shoulder. "I don't mean it a bad way!"

Her face softened and she slowly turned her head again. "You're not?"

You shook your head. "No, I just thought it was cute! But even if we couldn't be friends in the past, we are now, right? I'm happy with that."

Her eyes went wide at your words, almost unbelieving. "Really? You like being my friend?" 

You sent her a kind smile. "Of course!" 

Just the like the one on your face, a smile had formed on Totoko's face as well. It was almost strange to see her so unsure of herself, but the fact she was open about it with you made you happy. Maybe with this, you would become closer, like she had wanted.

Her face feeling warm, she held out a shaky hand. "L-Let me do your nails now!"

"Okay! Why don't we match?' You suggested, giving her your hands. She held yours gently in her own, her touch warm and welcoming. The expression on her face matched it greatly. 


A/N: I'm still really busy, but here's Totoko! I thought it'd be nice thing to write, since she doesn't seem to have many friends apart from the Matsunos. 

Also I have question, do you think everyone is still in character? It's been a while since I watched the anime, so I'm just wondering. ^^ 

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