Jyushimatsu + Freesia

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Growing up, you were used to being alone. Your time was spent not with friends, but instead reading books and pretending the story was your own. 

Eventually you became an adult and moved into your own home, but it didn't make much of a difference. Even at work there'd be no friendly small talk with coworkers, it'd be uninviting silence at your desk.

Life was the same each day, so much that you could guess what'd happen next and you'd be right. The sight of the same four walls of your room stopped being comforting, and instead you felt trapped. 

It'd been so long since you actually thought of getting yourself out there and making friends. You were an adult now, shouldn't you be able to do so? 

Those thoughts made you feel worse, and the days continued as they were. 

A few days later, where once again you sat alone, absentmindedly watching some show on your television. You often tried to pay attention to things such as this to stop yourself from thinking too much. It was going well so far, until you heard yelling from outside.

A sigh escaped you. When things like this happened, the thought of making friends didn't bother you as much. You decided to simply ignore it, assuming the noise who'd stop soon.

Unfortunately for you, it didn't.

They were so loud you could actually hear what they were saying! It seemed like they were counting something...

Usually you wouldn't even think of going out and confronting somebody, but the noise was slowly driving you crazy. You were about to give it another minute, going to see if they stopped anytime soon. 

"3,000, 3,001! Woo! 3,002!"

You got of your couch, slamming open your door and inspected the left and right sides of the street. On one side you saw a man swinging a baseball bat, a wide grin on his face as he did so. 

Even now that you left your house he still counted loudly, not showing any signs of stopping. This angered you more.

You walked up to him at a brisk pace, and now you were next to him. You were careful so he didn't end up hitting you and knocking you out cold. 

He didn't seem to notice your presence, so you coughed. He blinked and looked at you, his smile still present. 


You stared at him. It's been a while since you talked to anyone, so what would you even say? 

"...Hey." You said slowly, starting to regret coming out here.

The man didn't seem to notice your awkwardness and suddenly dropped his bat, it bounced on the ground slightly as it was dropped. 

"I'm Jyushimatsu!"

His sudden introduction caught you off guard. What were you supposed to say now?! 

"R-Right..." You replied, cursing yourself for stuttering.

Jyushimatsu tilted his head like a puppy, looking at you with a happy expression. You didn't say anything, starting to feel yourself sweat from nervousness.

"What is it?" He asked after some silence, causing you to jump.

'Crap, why did I come here?! Oh yeah, the noise!'

You had calmed down since then, so you started to feel stupid to complain to him now. Nevertheless, you clasped your hands and got on with it.

"Um, you're too loud." You said quietly. Surprisingly, he heard you.

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