Dodomeki!Choromatsu x Reader

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Tonight in your village there was a festival for the end of the summer, where people could go and watch the fireworks and get food at stands with friends or their date. 

This was true for you as well, as your friend had invited you with the intent to maybe 'score with someone' tonight. You didn't own any yukatas, so she told you she'd bring her own for you to try.

She kept her promise, as she had about three different yukatas with her. There was one that was adorned with a floral pattern, a cute one with a cat face pattern on it, and a plain but nonetheless pretty one in your favourite colour.

"Oh you're picking that one? I knew it, it really suits you!" You friend squealed, resisting the urge to just squeeze you. You couldn't help but laugh as you tightened the obi.

"You're so excited today." 

"Well, yeah! Do you know how many people go the festival without a date? A ton! I'm sure you can get a boyfriend too!" She replied, clasping her hands with a dreamy expression.

You rolled your eyes playfully. "Sure, sure. Don't ditch me too quickly, okay?"

She gave you a faux shocked look. "I'd never!" 

It's didn't take long for the both of you to erupt into giggles. She picked up her bag and headed for the door.

"Alright, to battle we go!" 


Sure enough, there were many people at the festival, most dressed in yukatas like you and your friend. You looked over to her but she looked like she was already on the hunt. 

Letting out a laugh, you patted her on the back. "Well, good luck. I'm getting something to eat." 

"Oh, thanks! I'll meet up with you later!" She responded with excitement, giving you a wink. With that, she somehow skipped away in her sandals.

You looked ahead of you into the sea of people, wondering were to start. You were feeling a bit hungry, so maybe you could see if there's anything good there.

Deciding on the stand with the shortest line, you smelt the tasty scent of takoyaki. The customers in front of you quickly walked off, not wanting to miss anything, meaning you were now in front. After buying some, the owner of the stand gave you a friendly goodbye, and you walked away from it too.

There was still sometime until the fireworks started, so you had some time to kill. What could you do though? 

While you were walking you glanced at the masks on display, the different games you could win prizes in, and more.

"Hmm... W-woah!" 

Since you weren't paying attention to where you were walking, you had bumped into someone. You rubbed your face where you had collided with their chest, sighing.

"Sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was..." Your voice got quieter as you trailed off. Instead of making eye contact with the eyes on the persons face, they were on their arms?! 

Before you could even come up with the excuse that they were tattoos, they blinked at you! 

The man in front of you quickly wrapped his arms with a white bandage, looking anxious. He grabbed your arm and walked at a brisk pace down the path. The crowds of people grew thinner and thinner until there was no one there. It was just the two of you.

You were still on shock, your mouth gaped open. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the side.

"You saw, right? J-just forget about it." 

Osomatsu-san x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now