Osomatsu + Corchorus

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He wouldn't admit it, but Osomatsu hated to be alone. Whenever his brothers were out doing their own thing, he'd feel lonely, and end up searching for them just for some company. 

This also happened with you. As your boyfriend Osomatsu loved you so much, he just didn't say it often. He didn't mean to come off as unbearable clingy, he just liked your company, and enjoyed being with you.

That's why it was such a problem when you had to go abroad for work for a couple months. You seemed excited that you had a chance of going somewhere you've never been, but Osomatsu just couldn't bring himself to be happy for you.

Sure, he had his brothers with him, but their company wasn't the same as yours.

When you told him he started to act differently, and you could tell. He laughed less and wouldn't look at you as much, which was strange as he was always eyeing you up and down. As time passed and you got closer to the date you were leaving, he was barely talking to you.

You were hoping he'd at least see you off, and it wasn't like you were leaving forever! You'd be back soon. Even after telling him this, he only shrugged and waved, not looking you in the eyes.

When you finally boarded your plane and left for your destination, Osomatsu didn't speak much, and was quiet. His brothers recognised this mood of his but were unsure of what to say. 


Being utterly swamped by work, you were absolutely exhausted. You flopped on your bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

For Osomatsu, he wasn't tired in the slightest. Instead of sleeping in the shared futon, he slept on the couch faced away from his brothers, thinking about you. It's been a couple days now since you left, and the ache in his chest hadn't ceased. He hasn't heard anything from you, and due to that unwanted thoughts started to clog his mind. 

"She's probably met some other guy who's got a job. Someone who can treat her to stuff she likes..." He thought bitterly.

Placing his arm over his wet eyes, he let out a sigh.


It had now been a month and there still had been no contact from you. Osomatsu wasn't feeling positive in the first place, but now he felt worse. Old hobbies like going to pachinko or annoying his brothers didn't interest him anymore, and even foods he used to enjoy tasted stale. 

His younger siblings were starting to get worried. Even inviting him out with him to change his mood, but he declined. Usually he'd jump at the chance to go with his brothers somewhere, even if the reason was only for his own fun.

The four walls of the house he lived that used to be welcoming and familiar felt different too, instead of being a place he could relax, he started to hate the sight of it, and the lack of a certain presence in it. 

Thinking this, he decided to go for a walk for the first time since you left. At least this way he wouldn't be under the constant worrisome look of his family. However as he was halfway down the street, he regretted his decision. 

"Jeez you took a while! I missed you!" He heard a giggly voice say.

Looking over, he saw a couple together, holding hands. 

"Sorry, sorry! I'm here now, aren't I?" The other person said, leaning forward and hugging their lover. 

The sight made Osomatsu remember all the time he spent with you. Memories that used to made him smile and laugh now made him feel sick and an irritation of anger flared up inside him. Instead of watching and making himself feel worse, he stormed off. 

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