Osomatsu + Skin

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No matter the weather, be it rain or shine, your arms and legs would be covered. In winter you'd wear think long-sleeved jumpers and trousers, and summer they'd be thinner, but still long to cover your body. 

Not many people questioned your way of dressing. Well... Except one.

Your boyfriend, while loveable, was the definition of a pervert. He'd throw out comments about your body on more than one occasion, which you somehow got used to. Due to that you never thought much on his comments... But it seemed like today was just one of those days. Where every thought you had was a worry that plagued you for hours.

As Osomatsu flicked through a manga, one arm around your shoulders, you sat quietly.

You watched him from your peripheral vision, seeing his eyes gaze down the page. He hasn't said anything about it... But maybe he was disappointed. He's never been shy to mention what he thought was 'hot' or 'totally sexy', and it seemed like you were the opposite of his type. 

Not that you doubted his love! You enjoyed every moment with him, and because he made you so happy, you wanted to return that feeling... But could you...?

"Heey, Y/n-chan? Oi~" Osomatsu called, lifting a hand to gently poke your cheek.

You blinked at him, seeing his big eyes staring back at you with curiosity. "Hm? What is it?"

"I dunno, you tell me! You were staring into space for a while there." A grin spread across his face. "Were you daydreaming about your attractive boyfriend? Heheh!"

You smiled at his carefree attitude. For a moment, you worries felt meaningless in the presence of his warmth, but soon enough they resurfaced. Osomatsu seems to notice the slight crease in your brows, and he frowned.

Finally noticing your lack of reply, you laughed awkwardly. "O-Oh, it's nothing! I'm fine... Don't worry about it."

"Hmm?" Osomatsu hummed questionably, but said nothing more. This was strange, usually you'd laugh at his antics and playfully shove him. Actually, since you've gotten here you've been all meek and quiet. 

His brothers weren't even around either, so it's not like that was the issue. You turned to look at him, worried your acting wasn't as good as you hoped. 

"Osomatsu?" You mumbled out, and by some miracle he heard you.

As if snapping out of a daydream of his own, he blinked hard, then beamed at you. "Well if you're fine, that's good!"

He then hesitated before his face brightened even more. "Hey, come here!"

You were about to question why when you were suddenly pulled into his lap. As soon as you were placed between his legs he abandoned his manga on your lap to instead wrap his arms around you waist and nuzzle your head affectionately with a laugh.

"Wh-What is it?" You asked, a slight giggly tone to your voice. 

His response was as loving as his action as he smiled down at you. "Nah, nothin'! I was just thinking I got a real cute girlfriend, hehe."

Face becoming much warmer, you couldn't help but smile at his constant genuineness. Maybe your constant worrying was all for naught. After all, if Osomatsu thought something, he'd most likely say it out loud, too.

"... Thank you, Oso." You replied. 

His own response was a bit delayed, but covered up any nervousness before you could even detect. "Hah, you don't hav'ta thank me for that!" He said before tickling your sides. 

"W-Wha! Oso, st-" your protests only became the sound of loud giggling and laughter, a sound very much welcome to your boyfriends ears. With his seemingly never ending tickling, it seemed only natural that your legs would jolt... And that they did.

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