Ichimatsu x Guardian Angel!Reader [1]

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With many of the world's mysterious still unknown, and many places yet to be explored, it could be said there were still much to know about earth and it's inhabitants. Humans as they were always yearned to learn, for some it may be unravelling the secrets from the darkest depths of the ocean, or understanding the history of their ancestors. 

For Ichimatsu, he often pondered his life. To be more precise, he wondered how his brothers could be such a pain in the neck. 

It was yet another noisy day, and once again he found the number of his sighs of annoyance increase as he was forced to listen to the many complaints of his brothers. From the oldest's incessant whining to the youngest's sly insulting comments, it seemed like it would never end. 

"Ahh, I'm so bored! Can't something interesting happen for once?" Osomatsu contiued to speak, stretching his arms above his head. 

Choromatsu's frown seemed to deepen. "Get a job if you're so bored..."

And so the bickering only continued. Osomatsu brought up the fact that Choromatsu didn't have a job either, which spurred him to stutter a frustrated reply. Todomatsu joined in, saying he really was the only good son, which prompted the rest (excluding Ichimatsu) to glare. 

Ichimatsu's eyes fell to his purple jumper, the cat hair looking quite interesting at that moment. To be honest, he couldn't really be bothered with all this arguing. It happened to often, it didn't exactly shock him when full on brawls got out. Sometimes he'd be pulled in too, but today he felt more lethargic than usual. 

In his dazed state, he missed most of what was said. Due to his luck though, he started listening again at what seemed to be a bad moment. 

"You know I'm the only hope for this family! At least I understand social cues unlike some people!" Todomatsu whined. 

"Ah, Todomatsu..." Karamatsu spoke up, his expression turning serious. 

The youngest only continued to complain. "What, don't tell me you're not all thinking the same thing?! Man, what a pain."

Ichimatsu could feel his fists tightening, but made no effort to relax them. Insults being thrown around easily were certainly nothing new, but now they made the atmosphere grow tense. 

"Having a brother that does nothing but sulk is so annoying." He continued, turning his head to now look at Ichimatsu. "Seriously, stop pretending you're special. It really pisses me off!"

The rest of what happened was a bit of a blur for the fourth brother, he only remembered storming out with his nails digging into his palms. Remaining in the house was the rest of them, feeling more than a bit awkward for witnessing the one-sided argument. 


Ichimatsu wasn't exactly thinking of an exact direction to walk, but his feet ending up taking them to one of the many alleyways he visited out of sheer habit. His amount of visits to the drab place was much higher than it'd be for any other person, but it wasn't like he was coming here for no reason. 

It was out of the way of the busy streets of Akatsuka, and residing in the darkness was many fluffy companions without anywhere else to stay. 

Crouching down, he opened up a packet off dried sardines, the sound beckoning the many cats. They meowed as a greeting, looking up at him with dilated eyes. 

"Eh? I'm fine." He said quietly, answering their quizzical gazes. They didn't look convinced, but still ate away.

Even with saying that, he couldn't help but let his mind wander. Even if he tried to deny it, a small part of him wanted to have friends. Ones that could speak instead of meowing. 

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