Wolf!Karamatsu x Reader

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Humming a cheerful song, you continued to dutifully fill the basket with foods. You were visitng your grandmother who lived quite far away from you, causing your visits to her to be rather sparse. Because of that, you always made sure to pack her favourite foods.

After getting prepared, you set off in the direction of your grandmother's house, the walk starting off as familiar. However as your journey continued, your surroundings embed all too familiar, as if you had passed them before. 

When you realised that, an unmistakable anxiousness surfaced, your throat feeling dry. It was already too late to go back home, and even if you could you didn't know which direction your home was! 

Your grip on the wicker basket tightened, your footsteps starting to slow. 

"It's fine, I'll get there! I just..." You spoke quietly to yourself, when a sudden whoosh of wind blew through the forest, so strong it almost pushed you off the dirt path.

A rustling in the bushes caught your attention. Your walking halted, your knuckles going white from your strong hold on the handle. As afraid as you were, you couldn't move as the fear had caused your entire body to go stiff.

The rustling continued, when a shadow suddenly jumped out, a shriek exacting you as you fell backwards with your basket was dropped.

Your eyes were squeezed shut, too frightened to see what had jumped in front of you. You were waiting for inevitable death, when someone spoke to you.

"Hmm, what is that divine scent? Could it be...?"

Peeking an eye open, your heartbeat quickened when you saw a man above you with ears sprouting from his head. From behind him you could see a tails wishing back and forth. 

You tried to reason with him. "Please don't hurt me, I haven't done-"

The man only knelt down to inspect your basket, the content inside spilled over on the soil. Thankfully you had wrapped it before hand, so they were still safe to consume. 

The strange man picked up a box, sniffing it with his eyes closed. Then when he unwrapped it, his face lit up.

"Karaage!" He exclaimed with delight. You simply watched him, fear fading away and slowly changing to interest. 

While digging on the meal he felt your eyes on him, looking up to meet your gaze with karaage in his mouth. 

You were still confused, but the funny sight made you giggle. He seemed embarrassed, but started to laugh as well. When he had finished the food, he remembered the events that had transpired. 

"Oh! I'm very sorry for frightening you, my dear." He apologised. 

You shook your head, finding yourself smiling. "No, it's okay. I just got a little scared."

He stood up, giving you a hand. You took it gratefully, dusting off your dress. 

"What are you doing in the forest?" He asked curiously. 

You picked up the basket, placing the foods inside. "I'm visiting my grandmother. Well... I was. But I got lost."

His ears flattened slightly, as if he was sad at the thought. "Oh, that's a shame."

Then as quickly as his face fell, he brightened up again. "I can help! I know the forest well, plus I have a very good nose." He boasted with confidence.

You thought about it. You didn't want to bother him, he was probably busy with... Whatever wolves do. Then again, he seemed completely fine with helping you, even seeming to be looking forward to it.

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