Prince!Jyushimatsu x Peasant!Reader [1]

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Once upon a time, there was a kingdom, ruled by a King and Queen, one day to be ruled by one of their six sons once they were wed.

...That was the plan, anyway. Unfortunately, it seemed that there was no way any of their sons would be ready for that much responsibility. Queen Matsuyo and King Matsuzo had begrudgingly accepted this fact, taking it all upon on themselves to take care of the kingdom.

Their sons on the other hand, did what they usually did. Being lazy and attending to their own hobbies. 

The eldest, Prince Osomatsu often spent funds on gambling, or flirted with the maids. Usually ending with him being smacked.

The second son, Prince Karamatsu had this in common with him, although his presence was mostly ignored. 

The third eldest, Prince Choromatsu would often be see a a the most responsive and level headed, but when meeting with a potential marriage candidate he froze up, his face burning a bright red. 

The fourth son, Prince Ichimatsu wasn't one for social interaction. Whenever he had the opportunity to speak to so,done that wasn't his family, he'd have... A minor freak out. However, he was good with animals, and helped out with taking care of the horses without being asked to.

The fifth son, Prince Jyushimatsu was hyperactive, always jumping from one thing to the other. He was kind, always making people laugh. 

And finally the sixth son, Prince Todomatsu, who was actually good at speaking to people, but many would just see it as flirting. They were probably right. 

Today too, the brothers were ignoring their princely duties and did what they felt like. Including the usually grinning fifth son, Jyushimatsu. However, his hobby wasn't along the lines of being lazy. In fact, he loved being active. 

Many did not know this, but whenever he left the castle for a walk, he was actually meeting up with someone. He kept this as a secret as it might have been frowned upon that he associated with them. Today too, he was landing on meeting them. 

The fifth-born left the castle and even exited the kingdom itself, heading in the direction of the forest. Many wouldn't visit it from fear, but he felt nothing but comfort from being there, since someone else joined him there as well.

The person in question beamed and waved once they caught sight of him.

"Jyushimatsu! Over here!" She called, patting the space beside her. 

He did so, clambering on the tree branch and smiling back at her. 

"Y/n-chan! Did you wait long?' He asked, a calm smile on his face. She shook her head.

"No, not really. I know it must be difficult to just drop everything to visit me. You are a Prince after all." She mused. 

Jyushimatsu waved his hand dismissively, his usual long sleeve moving in sync. "No, no. We don't do anything." He said truthfully. 

Y/n looked surprised. "Oh, really? Well, I'm glad I'm not wasting your time." 

Shocked by her words, the Prince shook his head frantically. "Never, never!"

"Are you sure? It's just... I'm so different from you. I'm not sure if I'm worthy of being your friend." She confessed, looking down at her lap. 

Seeing the forlorn expression on her usually cheerful face made Jyushimatsu panic slightly. He was so focused on making her smile again that his pupils dilated like a cats. Just by seeing this, she burst out laughing. 

"That doesn't matter at all!" Jyushimatsu argued with a pout.

Y/n smiled at him fondly. "Okay, if you're saying so, I'll believe it." 

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