~🎄Christmas Special🎄~

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Obviously you knew that moving to Japan would mean that sometimes you'd feel homesick, especially on special days like your birthday and Christmas. When Christmas Eve finally came around though, it was much lonelier than you had anticipated. That was until you heard an enthusiastic knock on your door...


When you opened the door to see your red clad boyfriend, a feeling of sudden relief flooded rough you and you found it hard to stop yourself from tearing up slightly.

You saw your glimmering eyes shining with tears and his grin dropped in place of a worried look. "Huh? W-Why are you crying?! I didn't do anything, did I?"

You shook your head, grasping his outstretched arm and gently pulling him inside. "No, sorry. I'm just happy you're here."

His face slowly started to flush a crimson red, matching his usual attire. "Ah, haha, not everyday you hear that, huh..." He said more to himself with a bashful chuckle. 

He embraced you in a warm hug, the cold feeling he had from being outside fading away. He nuzzled into his jumper, giggling as he only squeezed you tighter in his arms. 

"Aren't you spending the day with your family?" You asked, voice muffled from your position. 

He let his cheek rest against the top of your hair, smiling at the softness.

"Nah, today's all about you and me! Besides, you can come with me tomorrow." He replied. As it casual offer you felt your heart go a tony bit faster.

"Yeah, I would like that." You answered genuinely, finally looking up at him. He grinned, leaning forward covering your face in kisses.



Seeing your boyfriend shivering and hugging himself for warmth while out in the snowy cold brought on a feeling of slightly guilt for him making his way over to your house in the weather he disliked the most. 

When he saw you though, he tried to appear cooler than the air, winking at you. The constant chattering of his teeth made it a little comical to look at. You practically dragged him in, shutting the door behind you both. After feeling the heat of your home he finally stopped shivering as much, but stood closer to you than he usual did. 

"Heh, my f-flower, it is a blessing to see you." He said, trying to keep his voice steady.  

You chuckled, pulling him into a warm hug. You had accidentally pushed his down slightly so it was pressed against your chest, his face flushing once he realised that. 

"You came to see me, silly. Why are you here though, shouldn't you be with your family?" You asked, curious. 

It took him a couple of seconds to find his voice, and when he did it was a bit quieter than usual. "I am h-here to spend time with you, my honey..."

Your own face felt warm and you unconsciously held him tighter, a startled yelp escaping him. Afraid you had hurt him, you let go.

"Sorry! Are you okay?" 

He made a shaky thumbs up with his hand while blood dribbled out of his nostrils. "J-Just fine, darling."


Ever prepared, Choromatsu stood outside your door wrapped up in winter gear, from his coat to his gloves and scarf. His cheeks were a little pink though, but you couldn't tell if it was due to his usual timidity towards you or a side effect of the cold.

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