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Being the neighbour of the rowdy sextuplets, they often dragged you into their many shenanigans, whether it'd be bothering poor Iyami or pestering Chibita at his stand. You'd apology to Iyami and try to pay Chibita on the brother's behalf since you felt bad for them, not understanding why the troublesome sextuplets couldn't just leave them alone. 

Although they were chaotic and bothersome for some people, they could be kind and the most fun company you've ever had. 

Osomatsu would make you laugh when you were upset, lifting your spirits without even trying. 

Karamatsu flirted with you a lot, but his comments seemed sincere, and made you feel better about your appearance. 

Choromatsu was shy around you, but was very reliable whenever you needed help. 

When you first met Ichimatsu he was very stand off-ish, and seemed like he didn't like your company, when in fact it was the opposite. You understood what it was like to not know what to say, so you enjoyed peaceful silences with him often. 

Jyushimatsu was a wild card, you didn't know what he'd say or do next, but that was the charm of him. You two would go out to play baseball, and seeing him enjoy your presence made you smile.  

Todomatsu gave you pointers on your fashion, and although you didn't think much on your clothes you appreciated the help, and had fun going shopping with him sometimes.

Today was noisy as usual, so you peeked out your window and saw them clambering out the door, pushing one another. Curious, you called out to them:

"What's going on?" 

Jyushimatsu skidded to a halt, colliding into Ichimatsu which started a chain reaction of each brother after him to trip. He waved both of his arms and replied to you with a big smile on his face.

"Totoko-chan called us over!" He excitedly yelled.

"Totoko-chan?" You thought to yourself, thinking. The name sounds familiar...

Osomatsu was in a hurry to leave, but grinned at you. He put his hands around his mouth and shouted up to you, "Why don't you come with?" 

You thought of what you had planned today. If this was anything to do with the Matsuno Brothers, you could be gone a while. It wasn't like what you were doing couldn't be done another day, and you didn't want to miss out. 

You nodded at them and watched them beam in response, then rushed downstairs to meet your friends. 


After you pulled your jacket on, you met up with them outside your door. They greeted you and started walking at a brisk pace, not wanting to leave you behind, but wanting to travel quickly.

"So who is Totoko?" You asked curiously. They looked at you in shock.

"You don't know?!" They collectively asked. 

"I do remember the name... Sort of." You answer, smiling sheepishly.

Choromatsu nodded and cleared his throat. "Well, she's a childhood friend." 

"And super cute!" Osomatsu chimed in, making Choromatsu blush. 

You thought back to your conversations with them. "Oh! She's the one you all have a crush on, right?" You asked genuinely.

Although you didn't have the intention of teasing them, their faces all went pink. Osomatsu rubbed his nose.

"Hehe, yeah." He said bashfully. 

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