Karamatsu x Clumsy!Reader

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Karamatsu and you have been together about three years, you went through thick and thin together. So being that you were together for a while, naturally the two of you went on a lot of dates.

Karamatsu as the romantic type, so he was always trying to make each date better than the last. The only thing was that his wallet didn't exactly support his ideals, but you were happy just spending time with him!

Even with the absence of money, every date felt special, even if you were just going to the local park or rating at Chibita's.

Deep down you knew that Karamatsu wanted to do more for you, and although he said nothing about it, you could tell he was a bit disappointed in himself. That's why you decided to make your upcoming date extra special, and invited him to your house for tonight.

He answered your phone call with excitement, even when he was speaking in his usual sparkly and dramatic fashion the tone in his voice told you how happy he was.

And so that led you here, attempting to prepare dinner. Despite being enthusiastic, the unfortunately didn't equal skill in the kitchen. The recipe you found seemed simple enough, but you found yourself more confused as you went on.

Not only that, but you had momentarily forgotten just how... Well, let's say that it almost impressive how often you dropped things or tipped stuff over.

For example, when lifting up the salt shaker, you ended up knocking it over, causing it to roll over and drop down the narrow space between the kitchen counter and the oven. Then when you knelt down to try retrieve it, you failed to release the strings of your apron had somehow gotten caught on the handle of the oven, so of course once you knelt down it pulled the door open and hit the top of your head.

After nursing your sore head with a cold compress, you resume cooking. Nothing went wrong with the meal itself, but the process was a nightmare. Eventually it was safely inside the oven, and you could move on t the next thing; tidying up.

You wanted to be able to have a peaceful night in with the person you loved, so you naturally wanted to have your living room space be comfortable. You placed blankets over the couch as well a soft cushions. With a nod and a smile you patted the couch, pleased with your work.

If you weren't so busy, you could probably fall asleep just sitting there. But there was still more to be done! Your happy attitude didn't waver, as it seemed your bad luck didn't carry from the kitchen to the living room.

... Well, it did seem like that. That was until you started to clean the table in front of the couch. You had things you'd regularly see in a living room; magazines, cups you hadn't yet washed. 

Unluckily, they hasn't yet been emptied either. You ended up dropping it. At the very least it didn't hit your feet, but the contents did spill onto the carpet, and the cup had cracked on one side.

You sighed on your way to get kitchen roll. You knew its location off by heart.

After successfully cleaning it up, you decided to get dressed. The date was being spent at your house after all, so you wore something cosy. While descending the stairs you heard a knock on your door, and a sudden nervousness was upon you. 

You were looking forward to seeing him of course, but you couldn't help but think back to everything that went wrong as you were preparing everything. 

As you reached the door handle, you shook your head. If you kept thinking about it, you wouldn't be able to enjoy yourself! 

Once you opened the door you were immediately engulfed in a warm hug. You returned it, squeezing him lightly.  

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