Chapter 1 New Start

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Disclaimer! I do not own Rwby, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy character which or own by their respective owners Thank you for reading and have Fun! Also a little warning I'm not good with my grammar and spelling due to my fast typing but hopefully I'll get better at it so you see any mistakes I'm sorry LOL 


June 22, 2017 (Monty Oum's birthday may he rest in peace)

New Mexico, Alburquerque

Character 1: Joshua (Your Last Name)

Birthday: May 11, 1999

Family: Father(Joseph), Mother (Maria), and Younger Brother (David)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Language: Spanish and English

Hobby: Play PC video games, read comics, Manga, and sometimes Fanfiction stories, and draws

Likings: girls, Action and adventure Movies, RWBY, godzilla films, some anime such as Boku no Hero Academia, DBS, or any other anime witch catches his interest, Mexican Food, and Hanging with friends and family.

Dislikes: Racists, Conflicts, seeing people sad, bullying, and People who disrespects his friends and family.

Traits: Can cook (Mostly Mexican Food), Solve problems rather quickly, can take care of children, and work with others.

Heritage: Hispanic, Mexican

Personality: Quiet, Funny around friends, tries to stay away from conflict, Tries his best to be nice, Cares for his Family, Kind to children, lazy, and awkward.

Appearance: Gladiolus Amicitia but only he is 18 years old with less facial hair

Character 2: Albert (Last name)

Birthday: June 23, 1999

Age: 18

Gender: male

Language: English 

Hobbies: Plays PC games, watching movies especially horror, and working out (I'll add more hobbies later)

Likings: Girls, Action, horror, romantic, and adventure Movies,  some anime, comics, Any kind of food especially spicy food, and being with friends and family.

Dislikes: Racists, Conflicts, seeing people sad, bullying, and People who disrespects his friends and family

Heritage: Hispanic, Mexican

Personality: Easy going, relax, Funny around friends and family, easy to talk to, tries to avoid conflict, straight forward, 

Appearance: Looks like Chris Pratt's "Starlord" except he's 18 years old and with less facial hair

Chapter 1

New Start

It is Thursday Afternoon Joshua is still asleep from watching videos and playing Video games.

(Joshua's P.O.V)

Joshua: *groans* what time is it.....

(Checks phone)

Joshua: Damn 3:43 pm, Mom is going to be so pissed...

(3rd Person)

After few minutes of laying down Joshua then begins to get out of bed and goes for a quick shower. After showering he begins to put on new set of clothes then heads to the kitchen for a snack.

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