Chapter 74: Battle in the North Part 4: Kyuubi

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    Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.     

No One' POV - Kongou's Ship

Madara was fighting a group of Moises clones with ease his eyes quickly scanned his surroundings and the movements of the clones, he dodged, blocked and attacked the clones without breaking a sweat.

He grabbed one of the Moises by the collar and began to punch his abdomen with punches making the teen cough out blood.

"Got you..." Madara grinned, he ended his barrage of punches with a spin kick sending Moises rolling on the ships surface a few feet back.

*Cough* "Holy *Cough* Crap." Moises groaned while trying to stand up again.

'God, this hurts like a bitch...' Moises spat blood, and stood up fully panting heavily.

"I thought you would bring me entertainment...." Madara shook his head.

"How disappointing." He began to do hand signs, making Moises take out one of his kunai.

Madara took a deep breath and blew on his hand sign creating a large wall of fire, Moises threw his Kunai to his right and flashed on it's position. He panted heavily then turned back to the wall of fire but his eyes widen seeing someone else on the wall of fire's range.

"RUBY!" Moises shouted


Few Minutes Earlier 

Ruby spun her scythe around her body while firing her weapon making Mercury go on the defensive.

"HA!" Ruby dashed towards Mercury's left side and went for a slash only for Mercury to raise his knee blocking the scythe. But right after the slash Ruby spun her body and back kicked Mercury on his face surprising him.

Mercury stumbled back and turned to Ruby with wide eyes, Ruby gotten into a stance with a smirk on her face irritating the teen.

"You're going to pay for that Brat." Mercury growled and dashed forward giving Ruby kicks while also firing shots, making Ruby use her Scythe to block.


Both Weiss and Emerald clashed against one another until Weiss's knight went for a swing with it's sword over Weiss's head making Emerald jump back.

After landing Emerald spun both her chain blades, she swung her chain blade towards Weiss who leaned back avoiding the hook, then jumped over the second chain hook. After a few seconds of avoiding the chain hooks Weiss's knight grabbed hold of one of the chains and pulled back bringing Emerald towards Weiss.

Weiss went for a jab towards the flying Emerald the green haired teen shifted her head to the left barely avoiding the blade. 

Emerald immediately flipped back away from Weiss, she growled towards Weiss until she felt a stinging pain on her right cheek she placed her hand on her right cheek and felt blood coming out making her angry even more.

"Don't ever Underestimate a Schnee!" Weiss gotten into a fighting stance.

"Tch." Emerald stood up and got into a stance.


"WOAH!" Sun jumped back avoiding Hazel's fists 

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