Chapter 35 Secrets

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

No one's Pov

Everyone settled down in the Living room and Tai also arrived in time to hear everything.

"What is this about Qrow?" Tai asked seeing all of Ruby's friends in the living room with Qrow standing in front of them.

"Tai sit down you're part of this too now." Qrow told him with a serious tone surprising Tai

Tai sat between Yang and Ruby.

*Sigh* "This is going to be hard to believe.." Qrow then began to explain about the maiden and the war between Ozpin and Salem for an hour.

After the explanation everyone were shocked and in disbelief 

"For the passed day I've been shock more than I can count." Jaune leaned back at his chair.

"That's....A lot to take in." Blake said 

"That was half of the story." Qrow told them

"Half?" Yang was surprised again

"And this part you're not gonna like." He told them

They turn to each other then back at Qrow.

"It involves Joshua and Albert." He said 

He then took an hour explaining who exactly Joshua and Albert are and where they come from.

"I'll ....Be right back." Jaune left outside for some fresh air

"You're telling me Joshua and Albert are not from this world." Yang trying process everything

"And they knew every single event for the passed few months." Velvet added 

"Yeah... to prevent the Grimm from attacking the city and the Academy.

"That's why they knew where Roman would be every single time." Blake slumped down on her seat.

"Let's just say if they weren't here some of us wouldn't be here alive or in one piece." He looked at Pyrrha and Yang

Both girls noticed his looked 

"What are you talking about?" Pyrrha asked 

"When you entered the Academy Ozpin wanted to choose you to be the next fall maiden, until both kids arrived and prevented that, because the day we transfer the Maiden's power was the day Beacon fell the same day you were going to die." Qrow told her 

Pyrrha froze in shock then began to tear up.

He turn to Yang

Yang then began to worry

"I owe Joshua big time for taking care of you...." Qrow told her

"No, don't tell me." Yang began to tear up

"No you weren't going to die, you lost your arm the day Beacon was attacked and after that went to a state of depression for a while, you also gained PTSD." He told her 

"Those two took all the punishment for all of you." He looked out at the window 

Yang began to tighten her fists 


'Stay strong, For me.' Joshua's words echoed in her mind

Yang ran up to the stairs to see Joshua with tears in her eyes Tai, and Ruby ran after her

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