Chapter 64: A New Challenger has Arrived!

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

No One's POV 

Winter and Qrow stood there panting slightly after fighting the Madara clone, Qrow then took out his Flask and took a swig while Winter turn to him then roll her eyes seeing him drink.

"Do you have to drink right now..." Winter groaned. Qrow only response was a shrug

"Qrow!" They heard a shout both turned to the voice seeing Albert looking at them.

"We gotta go Now! The real Madara is coming!" He shouted, the two adult's eyes widen remembering they only fought a clone. They went into a full sprint following Albert.


The two adults followed Albert back to the ship seeing the others panting and sweating.

"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby shouted weakly.

Albert came up to Yang and placed her left arm over his shoulders both walked inside the ship, while the others followed behind.

Qrow and Winter still haven't got close to the ship until a ball of fire landed between the two and the ship surprising them.

Qrow turned to the right and gotten into a stance seeing Madara walking towards them with his Sharigan activated.

"QROW! WINTER!" Albert came out seeing the two on the other side of the wall of fire.

"Dammit." Albert cursed 

"KID GO! WE'LL HANDLE IT!" Qrow shouted towards 

'Yeah fucking right you'll handle it!' Albert mentally shouted 

"You already leaving, I thought I was going to have more fun." Madara said still walking closer towards the two.

"Tch." Qrow gritted his teeth, he blinked only to see Madara disappear then one second later he felt massive pain on his stomach. He looked down seeing Madara's fist planted on his stomach then he was launched back towards a broken tree which stopped him.

"ARGH!" Qrow coughed out.

"Qrow!" Winter turned to Qrow then back to Madara she jumped back taking out both her swords.

Two Glyphs appeared in front of her which two Ursa majors appeared they both roared at the Uchiha who still had a scowl in his face.

The Two Ursa then charged forward towards Madara while she ran to Qrow who was clutching his stomach.

"Qrow could you still fight?" She asked,

"Yeah, it was just a scratch." He coughed out.

Both Schnee and Branwen looked up to the fight but they only saw Madara's foot on top of One of the Ursa's neck while the other was being held by the neck with his right hand.

The Uchiha added pressure on his foot snapping the neck killing the Ursa and then snapped the others neck with his hand killing it.

"Is that all?" Madara took a step forward 

"You ready Ice Queen?" Qrow readied his weapon beside Winter

"Your still joking  even at times like this?" Winter raised a brow at him

"Hm." He just shrugged 

The three adults stared at one another well except Qrow and Winter who were avoiding his eyes, Albert looked at the two in worry.

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