Chapter 66: We have enough problems as it is...

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

No One's POV - The Milano

"How did you do that!" Ruby asked Moises with stars in her eyes while the teen sweat drop

"You were like FWISH! SWOOSH! then you made that giant ball disappear in thin air! it looked like the air ate it!" Ruby kept asking the boy.

"YOU WERE SO FAST!" She kept asking until Blake placed a hand on her mouth.

Moises chuckled at the little red hooded girl.

"Those were my Jutsu techniques." Moises answered 

Ruby looked confused while Blake's eye widen.

"Jut-su?" Ruby asked 

"Ninja techniques." Moises said 

"Ohhh." She finally understood

After a few seconds have passed.

"YOU'RE A NINJA!?" Ruby's jaw dropped 

"Yeah..." Moises sweat dropped 

Blake smiled brightly for a second until she shook her head and turned back to the two still with a small smile.

Albert looked at the Cat Faunus with a sweat drop, he bumped her elbow catching her attention.

"Better not be thinking of you book Blake." Albert whispered making Blake blush

"I-I w-wasn't thinking of that!" She smacked his right shoulder 

"Sure, whatever you say Blake." Albert walked up to Moises and patted his shoulder then both teens sat on the Pilot and Co-pilot seat. Blake looked at the two with serious looks indicating they were talking something serious, she turned seeing Yang speaking with Qrow.

"How are you feeling Uncle Qrow?" The blonde spoke to her uncle

"I'll feel better if I could get a drink..." He took out his flask and flip it over seeing little of his alcohol fall out, making Yang roll her eyes making a small smile.

She then looked back down on the floor sadden Qrow noticed this and placed his hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"We'll get him back." Qrow told her with determination.

"Yeah, I know..." Yang responded 


"So what did you get from your scouting?" Moises crossed his arms while leaning back on his seat.

"We found Salem's Castle now they know we found it so they might move or take action against us." Albert responded 

"I'm guessing the latter..." Moises took out a kunai and spun it on his hand.

"Me too." Albert responded 

"So I'm guessing we should prepare ourselves for a attack.." Albert spoke in a grim tone.

"Hm." Moises hummed he turned back to see Ren checking on his weapons, Ruby questioning Winter about Weiss while Blake was reading a book. He then saw Yang and Qrow still talking to one another but the blonde had a sadden look.

Moises sighed and turned back to the window seeing the horizon.

"I'm heading back to the Academy I was hanging out with Oscar and Velvet they be worried." Moises smiled.

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