Chapter 69: They'll never understand...

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

Joshua's POV 

"We both know it hurts watching others cry and suffer." I told my other self

"Yeah...I know." 

"That's why I plan on ending it all." He added 

"By destroying everything and everyone." He finished 

'The fuck is this bastard saying! HE IS NOT ME!!' 

"Who are you." I said


"No! Who. Are. You" I turned to him 

"I'm the one person you don't want to become the one person that scared our Family, I'm the one you don't want to come out." He turned to me his eyes began to glow and he gave a grin showing his sharp teeth.

"Now can we keep playing?" He turned to the game 

I stood in silence and turned back to them game as well, while griping my controller tightly.

'This is going to be a bitch...' 


Schnee Manor - No One's POV

Weiss slowly entered her father's office, she's the the room which is dark the only light was from the window, her father stood in his desk looking through a holographic screen.

"Weiss." He spoke

"Father." Weiss responded 

"You've returned I was worried you wouldn't return home.."

"I was forced too." She responded 

The older Schnee didn't respond.

"I was told by Ironwood that you were saved from bandits by some friends of yours..." He said.

Weiss noticed through the holograms seeing he was looking through photos of her friends and it stopped on Yang and Joshua.

"Joshua.....isn't he the monster that was arrested by the military?" He asked 

"He isn't a monster he is a friend."

"Ahh but a monster in my eyes is still a monster." A video played in the holographic screen showing Godzilla fighting Ghidorah then a other video played showing Godzilla against the two Mutos.

"You've been around this.....thing." He looked angry

"It has a name....Father his name is Joshua." Weiss responded anger slowly growing.

"I do not care if a monster has a name Weiss, he is dangerous just like that Starlord figure!" He stood up.

"They're both heroes father what do you not understand they only care for others unlike you Father the only person that's the monster is you!" Weiss shouted 

Jacques walked up to Weiss and slapped her right cheek, her eyes widen she held her cheek.

"Don't you ever disrespect me again." 

"Do you understand."

"And this time you are not leaving this house, do you understand girl." 


"Good.....Guards! Take her back to her room!" He called 

Two guards entered the office and stood behind Weiss, she turned to the door while the Guards followed behind.

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