Chapter 12 Duel

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

Joshua's POV Location: Dorm 

It's been three days since the field trip in Forever Falls Jaune still training with Pyrrha, Yang is still practicing controlling her temper and she has improved a lot. Right now it's Saturday 11:30 Me and Albert decided to watch super hero movies with the guys plus Ruby, Nora, and Yang. We decided to go on Marvel movie marathon. Right now we are about to finish watching Captain America: Civil war. 

Jaune: "Damn, that was cool." 

Ren: "I have to agree with Jaune it was cool" 

Ruby: "NEXT MOVIE!" 

Jesus: Is just jumping up and down in excitement

Yang: "Man, I want to fight the Captain America guy, he looks like tough fighter" 

Nora: "SPIDER MAN!" she yells in excitement.

Joshua: "Chill." I told Nora

Albert: "Man this how you do a Super Hero versus Super Hero movie" 

Albert: "Unlike D.C. with their Batman v. Superman" 

Joshua: "True Batman should've lost." I shrugged 

Albert: "What?" he looked at me

Joshua: "Superman could pummel Batman to the next planet." I told him in the eye

Albert: "PFFT! HA! My butt! Batman comes prepared every fight." he told me 

Joshua: "He does, but can he react fast enough to do anything against Superman who has super speed" 

Albert: "Kryptonite." he looked at me with blank face 

Joshua: "Speed, Strength, heat vision, freeze breath." I responded now turning fully to him

Albert: "Krp-To-Nite." he began to raise his voice

Joshua: "To. Slow." I raised my voiced 

Jaune: "Um, guys they're just fictional character does it mat-" 

Albert: "BATMAN!"

Joshua: "SUPERMAN!" 

Yang: "Oh my god." she face palms

Nora: "This going to be fun." she grabbed the bowl of popcorn

Ruby: "HEY!" she yelled losing her bowl of popcorn

Ren: just shook his head

Albert: "You. Me. CourtYard. Now. Punk." he leaned to my face making our foreheads make contact while he keep eyes locked with mines 

Joshua: "Lets. Go. Whore." I replied 

we walked towards the door and ended up in the Hallways going our separate ways

3rd POV

Albert: "Paintball duel in 30 minutes don't pussy out!" He yelled across he hall way

Yang: " Are they really doing this." she looked out from the dorm room

Nora: "Lets go see!" she declared running after Albert.

Ruby: "I'm not missing this I've never seen Joshua and Albert fight before." she also declared running to where Joshua headed

Yang: "Fine, just because there's a fight." she said following Ruby

Ren: "I'll join Nora" he walked out

Jaune: "Okay then." he said still on the door of the dorm.

40 minutes later Location: Courtyard

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