Chapter 58: He didn't come alone...

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

No One's Pov 

Joshua crashed down on the ground making a large trail of destruction in the open field, He jumped back up wiping the blood from his mouth. He stared at the large Susanoo who had it's sword drawn who was also staring back.

'I can't go on my Kaiju form would make me slower and a bigger target for him' He thought.

'I need to be faster.' He finished and began to sprint towards the Susanoo

Madara swung his sword towards Joshua the sword struck the ground making a large dust cloud then Joshua appeared running on top of the sword up to the arm. He cocked back his right fist and punched the Susanoo's right cheek making it tumble back.

Madara noticed the large crack on the face of the Susanoo.

"Hmph, this one is just like Hashirama's grand daughter." He said to himself.

Joshua landed on the grass and dashed forward, Madara then raised his sword and swung at the ground making a large slash on the ground. Joshua jumped to the left avoiding the attack he kept running then jumped forward and stretched out his right leg colliding with the Susanoo's stomach. 

The large figure fell backwards making the ground under them shake, Joshua landed right on the head and stared down on Madara who looked not even interested in the fight. He began to punch on the surface protecting the Uchiha cracks began to form and grew bigger and bigger until the Susanoo collided it's fist on Joshua's left side sending him rolling on the grass.

Joshua stopped himself then fell in one knee coughing out blood, He began to pant more and more. 

"Dammit." He muttered between coughs 

'At least this Madara doesn't have Hashirama's jutsus' He mentally sighed 

He stood back up almost falling backwards but held himself up, he saw the large being stood up. Then all of sudden a pulse was felt around his body he jumped back right when a blue sword came out of the ground slicing his chest. 

Joshua landed back yelling in pain a large cut appeared on his chest blood began to flow out of his body covering his grey coat and shirt with blood.

"Hmph, good reaction." Madara complimented 

Joshua held on his injury in pain panting heavily.

'I gotta do something before I get killed from him or from blood loss.' Joshua looked at his right hand covered in his blood.

He saw a humanoid Susanoo climbing out of the ground then disappeared.

He took a deep breath and stood back up still holding his injury, his eyes were half closed he shook his head trying to stay awake.

"Just give up kid, it would save you from the pain." Madara offered 

"Nah, I can't give up just yet I still got people waiting for me." Joshua weakly grinned 

"So be it." Madara then dashed forward 


The Milano flew passed a mountain trying to reach the airship's last location. Albert looked over the window trying to find any sign.

"Haruna, kirishima any sign of the airships?" Albert turned to the two battle ships.

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