Chapter 31 Keeping a Promise

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

After Ronan's appearance shock the world Both Guardians have to do there best to keep there and protect their Friends and the people of Vale.

"Out of my WAY!" The Human Godzilla rampages through the army of Grimm and White Fang.

'I need to get to the tower!" He jumped over a destroyed Bullhead 


"RAAAGH!" Albert began to slash at Ronan with Penny's sword 

"You think with this power you will defeat me!" Ronan mocked while dodging 

"I kicked your ass without it!" Albert yelled kicking Ronan in the gut knocking him back a few feet.

Albert pointed the sword towards his opponent with determination in his eyes

"I promised to protect the people of Remnant with my life and...... I ain't planning on breaking it! especially while my girlfriend is waiting for me!" He announced 

Ronan growled and launched himself to Albert while grabbing his Hammer on the way

Both weapons clashed to one another creating a large shock wave.


While the two are fighting all three beacon teams and some other injured huntsmen in training watch the battle happen on a Bullhead.

"We got to do something." Ruby said while looking at the flaming city.

"Joshua told us to help out at Beacon and defend the unarmed students." Blake told her while tending on Sun's wounds 

"I know but why is this thing taking forever!" Ruby stomped in frustration

"Ruby calmed down being frustrated ain't going to help us out here plus we need to get every injured person to safety." Yang told her 

"Don't worry Ruby everything is going to be fine!" Flor walked up to both sisters

"Why do you think that Flor?" Ruby asked 

"Because.....Joshua and Albert promised!" She smiled 

Everyone looked surprised and smiled at the girl

"He did promise did he?" Yang smiled and patted Flor's head 

Jesus just stood quiet sensing a familiar presence in the distance.

"I having a feeling more trouble is going to come." Jesus said getting everyone attention

"I feel it too" Blake added while Velvet nodded 

Velvet look out in the window looking back at Amity Colosseum seeing explosions coming from the sides.

"Guys...." Jaune called everyone 

"What's wrong Jaune?" Pyrrha responded 

"Look at your scrolls." He told everyone 

They began to look at their scrolls then they were shock at what they were seeing

Albert and Ronan fighting live for the world to see.

They see Albert kick Ronan back he then pointed his sword at Ronan

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