Chapter 24 The reason we fight.

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

Albert's POV

While Team Rwby and Oo-Bleck were scouting the area and taking out Grimm, Josh and I were looking around taking out any Grimm we found. 

While we walked on the abandoned city I saw Josh holding an item in the corner of my eye.

"What is it Josh?" I walked up to him

He didn't respond he only passed me the item.

When I got a better look on the item it was a teddy bear with it's stomach ripped open.

"Hey, Albert" He called me 

"Yeah." I responded 

"You think we're making a difference?" He said 

*Sigh* "I don't know....all I know we have to keep fighting and find out." I said to him while I looked at the teddy bear.

"Let's go Josh I think Team RWBY and Oo-bleck should be done checking out the city it's getting dark."

"Yeah." He responded 

I put the teddy bear on my pouch to make a burial later for whoever was the owner.

We walked back to regroup with the others I saw Dr. Oo-bleck and Ruby looking at a group of Goliaths in the distance. 

I turn to see Joshua staring at one of them which was staring back, the elephant then turned away and began to walk with the others.

"There you guys are!" Ruby noticed us 

"Yo." We responded 

"Have you found anything boys?" Dr. Oo-bleck asked us

"Not much just empty buildings, Grimm, and personal objects from the people who lived here." I told him

"I see.." He said 

"We should head back." He said and began to walk away

During the walk Ruby asked the Doctor what was the reason he became a Huntsmen I already knew the reason so I just ignored and kept walking with Joshua beside me.

When we made it to others they had a camp fire ready all three of them looked like they were struggling of figuring something. I guess Dr. Oo-Bleck asked them why they want to become huntsmen.

I took a seat near the Fire with Joshua siting on my right.

"Boys..." Oobleck called us 

"Yes sir?" Joshua responded 

"Why do you want to be Huntsmen?" He asked us 

We both looked at each other then back to the Professor.

"I don't know to be honest with you doctor, I just want to help this world as much as can while I'm still here no matter how little impact I do I'll try my best to help change the world for the better." I responded to him

"Hmm I see." He responded 

I saw the girls smile at my response they all turn to Joshua who was looking at the fire thinking of something.

"Mr. (Joshua's L/N)?" Dr. Oo-bleck called him

"I thought I wanted to do it for the thrill Doctor..." He said still looking at the fire

"But now after meeting everyone in Beacon now I want to do it to change the world for the better. To protect those who can't fight for themselves, to protect my friends and love ones. I want to remove all the hate in this world cause It hurts just watching.." He turn to the us 

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