Chapter 60: The Third Guardian

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

No One's POV - Atlas Academy

After the meeting with the Council the teens left to their rooms to get some rest but how could they, when one of their friends have been capture and God knows what the enemy are doing to him.

Yang was having the worst time out of everyone always thinking of how Salem is hurting her Fiance it made her sick and angry. She wanted to leave and save him as quickly as possible but she couldn't she didn't know where he's being held nor does she have the power to do anything it made angry.

Albert can't even rest trying to find out where her castle could be the only area in the world he could think of is the Grimm lands he could scout out the entire area in a few hours with The Milano. 

"Dammit." He cursed while he sat on the side of his bed, the bathroom door open revealing Velvet in her sleeping wear. 

She saw his expression of frustration making her worry, she slowly walked up to him and gave him a hug surprising him

"What's wrong rabbit?" he gently rubbed her head.

"You need to rest, your worrying me I know you worry about Joshua but you can't save him if you're not in the shape to do anything." She told him

Albert looked at her face and smiled weakly, he kissed her forehead.

"What am I going to do without you.." He said to her making her blush a little

"Come on we should sleep." Velvet then laid on the bed patting the extra space beside her.

Albert smiled and joined her both teens held each other close and closed their eyes.

"We will save him Albert no matter what.." Velvet whispered 

"I know." He responded 


The next day....

It was noon the group have been training or looking through the world map trying to see possible areas Salem's castle could be at. 

Albert, Velvet, Blake, Weiss, Haruna, Kirishima, and Yang were in the library looking through the world map.

"There is no possible area except the Grimm lands since no one doesn't bother going to those lands." Haruna added 

"Damn it.." Albert sighed 

"We could scout the entire land but it could take time to find it..." Kirishima added 

"We have no other choice we can't wait any longer until Salem's allies act." Yang slowly getting frustrated 

"It could be risky as well, if Salem gets any word that we're looking for her castle she would definitely attack before we find it or do anything." Blake said with her arms crossed 

"The council said they're going to send reinforcements here to help the search of Joshua if we do find his location, but it could take days until they all arrive here." Velvet said 

"Salem could very well be preparing to attack us since we have two relics on our hands and she has more allies and they are no joke." Kirishima was standing on top of the table.

"She could probably be looking for the last two maidens..." Weiss said worriedly

"Unless she already found them." Albert ended 

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