Chapter 81: "I'm Sorry Kurama..."

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.      

Moises POV

Naruto Shippuden Ost - Yasuharu Takanashi - Battle theme

Would you ever believe me if I told you that I fought against Madara Uchiha while he controlled the Nine-tails, while riding on top of Godzilla who is also a close friend. You probably wouldn't but It's the truth I probably wouldn't even care if you didn't believe cause I did it.

*SKREEEENNNNNNNNGGKKKKK!!!* Godzilla roared while smacking his claw on the Kyuubi's face making it stumble back.

"Keep going Joshua!!!" I shouted 

Godzilla then shoulder bashed the Kyuubi making it fall on it's back but it flipped back getting back into it's feet. It then roared towards us and readied it's tail beast bombs then fired towards us.

Godzilla charged forward while dodging the attacks left and right then went for another strike with his claw only to be parried by Madara's Susanoo blade then was struck by four of the Kyuubi's tail making him fall backwards.

"Dammit!" I grunted , Godzilla stood back up again growling towards the two but we noticed the Kyuubi readying it's Tail beast bomb this time it was coated by Madara's blade making it even more deadly.

"Shit!!" I took out my Thunder God Kunai and stretched out both arms forward.

The kyuubi fired it's attack it flew across the battlefield destroying everything in it's path.

'We can't take it everyone in a mile radius are going to be caught in the blast!!' 


The Beast Bomb then disappeared in the air then a large explosion erupted on the detroyed mountain range in the distance.

"I could only do it one more time..." I said making Godzilla nod then he readied his atomic breath.

He fired his atomic breath going for the Nine-tails but the Kyuubi ran to the side avoiding the blast but Godzilla still went after the Fox, he stopped his attack then both Godzilla and Kyuubi charged at one another the Kyuubi jumped towards Godzilla and bit on his neck making Godzilla roar in pain.

"To think I would have this much fun against you!" Madara smirked 

"I'm full of surprises!" I shouted smirking as well, then Godzilla bit on the Nine-tails left arm and pull him off his shoulder then hurled him to the side making the Fox crash into a line of forest destroying it.

The Kyuubi shock it's head then ran back towards Godzilla who readied himself for the Fox they then grabbed both their claws and began to push against each other but Godzilla began to win more ground.

Then the Nine-tails readied a beast bomb while holding onto us my eyes widen, but before the kyuubi can fire Godzilla grabbed the orb and shoved it on the Kyuubi's chest making it explode in between us.

"Aw crap!!!" I cursed then everything went white.


No One's POV 

The Tail Beast bomb erupted in between the two large monster making a large explosion the shook the entire land.

"Holy Shit!!!" Neptune shouted while being pushed back by the shock wave.

Coco looked in disbelief at the large dome of fire and energy from the explosion.

"If they keep fighting they're going to blow up the entire kingdom!!" Fox shouted 

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