Chapter 28 Duo Battle!

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

Joshua's POV

Today is the Second Day of Vytal Festival which means duo battles are up which means my fight is up first. Against Coco and Yatsu....Great.

"Hey how does Velvet feel about the match?" I asked Albert while we put on our combat clothes 

"Well...." He thought back


"Hey Rabbit." Albert called Velvet

"Yes?" She turn to him

"Are you okay about the match?" Albert asked her

"You mean If I'm going to be conflicted on who wins?" She responded 

Albert nodded 

"I'm going to cheer for my team!" Velvet smiled brightly 

*Bang!* Albert flinched back while putting his over his heart

"Don't be a baby you know I love you not matter what!" She told him

"Yeah, Yeah I know" He smiled back

"Good luck cowboy." She hugged him

"Thanks Rabbit." He hugged back

Flash Back End

"Oh Yikes." I told him

"Yeah... but that doesn't mean we ain't going to lose!' Albert said with determination 

"Whatever you say." I smiled at him finishing putting on my combat boots

"Ready?" Albert asked me 

"Always." I smirked at him

"Let's go then!" He announced walking out of the locker room

I shook my head and followed him to the battle ground

Time Skip 

"Alright ladies and gentlemen now we begins our second day of the Vytal Festival!" Port announced making the crowd cheer

"Now to start of the day our first match!" 

"Joshua (L/N)and Albert (FL/N) of Beacon!" the crowd cheered 

I waved at the crowd trying my best to smile not use to being in the spotlight

"Kick their butts babe!" I heard Yang cheer

I saw Blake waving a small flag with chibi faces of Albert and Me.

'Where the fuck does she get those flags?' I thought 

"Good luck Albert!" Velvet cheered 

"Don't lose you two!" Ruby cheered too

Weiss was smiling at us

"Versus!" Port announced 

I turn forward seeing Coco and Yatsu in front of us smirking

'Oh hey Yatsu is not sitting.' I noticed  

 The crowd cheered 

"Coco Adel And Yatsyhashi Daichi also from Beacon!" She waved at the crowd who cheered for her 

"Good Luck you too!" Velvet cheered 

Then holograms appeared to show everyone the terrain we're going to fight at, which was Forest, Sevanna, Urban, and Geyser like in the show.

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