Chapter 79: Silver eyes

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.      

Atlas Academy - No One's POV 


'...Not Yang...'

'...Please no...'

"Die." Joshua said then his hair began to glow.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Ruby shouted then her eyes began to let out white light which formed into wings.

"What!? ARRRRGGHHH!!!" Joshua covered his face 


Jaune, Pyrrha and Ren were fighting against the Grimm only for the light to appear in the area freezing the Grimm in place.

The three looked at the Grimm confused Jaune turned to Ren who shrugged.

"...O-kay..." Jaune poked a beowolf with his sword but it still didn't move.


Moises jumped to the left avoiding Madara's Susanoo blade, then he formed another Rasengan in his right palm then was about to charge until he saw a white light appear from the distance catching everyone's attention.

Moises turned to the light seeing large wings made of light, he then heard the sound of whimpering close to him he turned to the noise seeing Grimm fearing the light.

'The hell is going on?' He looked at every single Grimm which were all fearing the light.

His eyes widen then he flipped back avoiding Madara's blade, he then summoned another rasengan in his left palm.

"Let us continue." Madara said 

"Tch." Moises growled 


Ghidorah stretched his wings creating large gusts of wind launching some of the Huntsmen to the air. While Albert and Nora sprinted towards him, Albert had both his fist covered in rock while Nora readied her Hammer while her body let out pink sparks.

"Weiss!" Winter shouted Weiss turned to Winter seeing her summoned a white glyph.

"Right!" Weiss nodded then summoned a white glyph as well.

While Nora and Albert were running towards Ghidorah a trail of white Glyphs appeared in front of them making them run faster and faster.

"NORA!/ALBERT!" Both leaped into the air staring at Ghidorah

"SMASH!!!/SMASH!!!" Both shouted then struck Ghidorah creating a large explosion of dirt and rock.

They jumped back landing beside Winter and Weiss the four were panting heavily, then Sun landed on his back.

"Ow..." Sun groaned then stood back up again shaking his head.

"Is he done yet?" Sun turned to Albert who shook his head no making the blonde groan

"Are you serious!?" Sun shouted but then the five huntsmen and Guardian saw a blinding light appear from the distance making some of the Grimm around them whimper in fear some even began to run.

"Now what?" Weiss said

Albert and Winters eyes widen seeing the wings of light appear.

"Silver eyes..." Both whispered to themselves, then the five heard Ghidorah getting up catching their attention.

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