Chapter 59: The Capture and The newcomer

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

Joshua's POV 

This isn't 4th shinobi war Arc Madara this is the same one who fought the First Hokage so that means he would have the Nine Tails! This is not going to be a good day he is already bad with Susanoo now he has a god damn tail beast! 

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Albert yelled 

Everyone else looked at the Fox in fear then took a few steps back.

"MOVE!" Albert ran back everyone else followed while I struggled to keep with Yang helping helped me stand with with my arm over her shoulder.

The Nine tail fox roared shaking the earth then began to chase after the group.

"Kirishima where's the ship!?" Albert turned towards the teddy who was holding on to Ruby's head.

"Picking up the others you gotta hold off a little longer!" The teddy bear responded 

Albert cursed while running.

I looked back seeing the fox catching up, I know the ship wouldn't make it in time.

"Dammit." I cursed 

I turned to Yang seeing her look in worry, I tried to say something until I heard Blake shout

"Watch out!" She yelled, before I did anything else me and Yang were hit on our left sending us to the air. 

Me and Yang yelled in pain while we were in the air, both our bodies rolled on the grass. Both of us laid on the grass on our stomachs I raised my head seeing Yang's Aura flicker around her body indicating that it's low. I saw Kirishima bouncing of the ground beside Yang.

I began to crawl towards trying to reach her.

"Y-yang..." I reach my hand to touch her only for my wrist to be grabbed by a gloved hand, I looked up to see Madara staring down at me while his sharigan looked into my soul.

"Sleep." He said then my vision turned black.


No One's POV

Albert looked in horror seeing Yang, Kirishima, and Joshua being smacked to the side, Seeing them launched into the air then rolled in the grass.

"JOSHUA! YANG!" Albert turned around then began to fire at the Nine Tail Fox

"Kirishima!" Haruna yelled 

Before he did anything else he saw Joshua crawling to the Unconscious Yang until another Madara appeared standing in front of him.

"Dammit!" Qrow cursed then tried to stop Madara.

Joshua was being held by one arm then went limp, Ruby used her Semblance trying to reach the Kaiju.

"JOSHUA!" She shouted almost reaching for Madara.

Madara slowly turned around at Ruby showing his Sharigan she looked in horror, then before her hand made contact with Joshua he disappeared making Ruby fall to the ground.

She rolled in the grass she turned around seeing no sign of Joshua and Madara only a Unconscious Yang and groaning Kirishima barely getting up.

"No..." She muttered 

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