Chapter 6 Truth

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

Joshua's POV: 

 This is my second day in Beacon Academy and I already made friends with both team RWBY and JNPR which made me excited for having my favorite online web series characters as my friend Albert has made friends with them as well. After My fight with Yang I began to make her join me on controlling her emotions during fights with the help of Ren, well because he looks like he knows how to control his. 

Combat Classroom After classes

Joshua: "Come on Yang you won't land a hit on me if you get frustrated all the time" I told her while dodging her attacks

Yang: "Argh! I just can't!" She yells while throwing a right hook towards my face

Joshua: "Yeah you can you just need practice" I responded ducking under the right hook.

Ren: "Yang you need to relax if you let frustration grow your attacks will become more predictable." I told yang while meditating just outside the stage.

Joshua: "Alright that's enough you look like you could use a break we've been going for 2 hours already." I told by grabbing her fist stopping her attack.

Yang: "Fine." She lets out and begins to walk towards a bench. She grabbed one of the bottles of water on the bench

Yang: "Why do you want to help me control my anger during fights Big Guy?" She asked after drinking some water

Joshua: "Well during the beginning the fight before you got angry at me, Your attacks were more precised and calculative which made it difficult for me to block and dodge, but when you grew more frustrated your attacks began to turn more wild and predictable which made it easier for me to block, dodge and counter." I told her

Joshua: "Even with your semblance which you used to return the damage from my attack twice as strong, you would mostly miss the attacks after, wasting the energy and also wasting your stamina, come on Yang tell me have you won a single fight without your semblance?" I added

Yang: "Not exactly..." She looks at her water bottle

Yang: "You make it sound like I use my semblance all the time unlike everyone else here" she tells me 

Joshua: "Yes, Yang I know everyone uses their semblance as much as you do but they don't go on a destructive rampage which makes it easier for the enemy who maybe a better fighter to dodge your attacks." I responded

Yang: *Sigh* "I guess your right" she looks back to her water bottle  

Joshua: "Ah, don't worry Yang that's why me and the help of Ren would help you overcome that weakness and when you do overcome it, You'll last more in fights and being able to use your semblance's full strength." I told her to pick up her mood 

Yang: "Heh, well I should thank you and Ren for helping and If I do learn to control my anger I might reward you for the help" She told me and gave me a wink which made me blush

Joshua: 'New quest available' I heard a voice in the back of my head.

Albert: "Yo! Joshua!" He called me while entering the classroom

Joshua: "Hm?" I turn to him

Albert: "Ozpin wants us in his office, I think you know why." he told me

Joshua: "Yeah alright, lets go to the dorm and fix up before we go." I told him

Albert: "Alright I'm already fixed up I'll wait on the elevator" He told me leaving the room

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