Chapter 7 New Faces

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

Joshua's POV  Initiation Day

It was been two days already since we told Ozpin the truth of our arrival and thanks to our luck he trusts and accepted us to Beacon so he had to make an announcement towards the rest of the school of our arrival and made an excuse of who we are. He told everyone that we are brothers who lived outside the kingdoms and he is our Godfather. Which made me and Albert die of laughter when he announced it, just thinking about just made us chuckle this even raised more questions from both team RWBY and JNPR such why we didn't tell them that Ozpin is our "Godfather" and that we are brothers which we answered (lied). Today we are having our initiation only Glynda and Ozpin watching our test to keep our abilities a secret from people who are not involved in future events.

Beacon cliff, Emerald Forest: Initiation day 

Ozpin: "Alright you two I know that both of you know what to do during the initiation so just do your best not to die or get hurt and grab a chess piece from the temple understood." He tells 

Joshua/Albert: "SI SENOR/ YES, SIR!" we both saluted towards the Headmaster.

Before we were launched we heard voices and footsteps getting closer behind us.

Ruby: "Hey guys!" she waves at us with a bright smile with rest of Team RWBY and all of team JNPR following behind her.

Albert: "AYYYYE, if it isn't our Homies!" He looks towards them with a smile

Joshua: "Yo." I raised my hand gesturing a hello towards them.

Yang: "So, you guys starting your initiation Big Guy?" she asks me 

Joshua: "Yup." 

Yang: "Cool, can we watch?" she looks towards Ozpin

Ozpin: "Of course you can Miss Xiao Long." he answers 

team RWBY /JNPR: "Yes." they whispered at the same time which made me and Albert chuckle

Albert: "Man you guys want to seem kick some butt huh." he says to both teams

I saw Ozpin press some buttons on his scroll while Albert was talking about his skills which made me smirk understanding whats hes going to do next, so I began to put on my headphones and turned on my Music player. 

Song: Don't Stop me Now - Queen one of my favorite songs 

Albert: "...I got the looks and skills to back my claims just tell JoshUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAA!" Before he finished we were launched towards the sky into the Forest.

Joshua: " HAHAHA! GET CUCKED IDIOT!" I laughed while still in the air 

Both team RWBY and JNPR even Glynda looked at Ozpin

RWBY/JNPR/Glynda: 'So EVIL!' they thought

Ozpin: "What?" He looked towards them then back to his scroll which everyone did the same.

After Albert cooled down still mid flight he activated his helmet and grabbing his blasters with both hands then looks towards me

Albert: "See you at the temple!" He tells using his Jet pack and rocket boots heading straight to the temple

Joshua: 'you cheating slut.' I thought then I began to go down the forest bellow me I began to thinking of a landing strategy but didn't think of any so I'll use my Godzilla power and land straight to the ground my began to change and my hair spiked up before I hit the gorund

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