Chapter 78: Battle in the North Part 8: Godzilla's Queen

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    Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.    

Joshua's Pov 

Both me and the Grimm punched each other in the jaw making the two of us stumble back, I felt blood run down from the side of my mouth.

"This fight will last forever since I know all your moves, and think like you so you might as well give up." The Grimm shouted 

I panted and wiped the blood from my mouth, I looked around the white void.

"I gotta keep trying..." I whispered 

"I can't think of anything else but to beat you to the ground..." My body began to glow, the Grimm Joshua body began to grow in size.

After the light died down revealing our Kaiju forms

(Joshua's New Form)

(Grimm Joshua's Kaiju Form)

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(Grimm Joshua's Kaiju Form)

(Yikes that's a small ass pic lol)

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(Yikes that's a small ass pic lol)

'Come on you ugly bastard!' 

*SKREEENNNNNNGK!* Both of us roared at each other then charged.

Both our bodies collided and we began to bite and claw one another none stop I ignored the pained and kept my attacks going.


'IGNORE THE FUCKING PAIN!!' I thought to myself while my head reeled back from a claw in the face I turned back to the Grimm Godzilla and bit on his neck. I then hurled to the right sending him tumbling down on the floor.

*SKREEEEENNNNNNGK!* I charged forward while he was trying to get up then I turned to the left slamming my tail right on his left cheek making him fall back down.

I tried to attack the Grimm Godzilla again only to be hit by it's Atomic Breath making me stumble back stunning me.


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