Chapter 19 Old Enemies

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

Joshua's Pov

I opened my eyes to see a familiar ceiling, I turn to my right to see Yang and Flor sleeping together peacefully.

'What time is it?' I shook my head to wake myself up and checked on my scroll 

'6:30 am, still got two hours left' I got up grabbed some clothes and went to the shower

After taking a shower and changing to my mission outfit Albert was finally up rubbing his eyes

"Sup, you talked to everyone last night?" I asked him 

"Yeah, Coco and Velvet were pissed at me about taking their mission well mostly Coco Velvet was just worried." he responded while getting up

"I'm taking a shower." he told me while grabbing new set of clothes 

"Kk" I turn to see Yang shuffling around the bed while Flor still hugging her.

'Huh, they look pretty similar' I thought to myself

'They smell the same too' I hear Godzilla speak scaring me

'Jesus christ Godzilla you scared the fuck out of me' I told him

'What do you mean they smell the same?' I asked him

'They smell similar, those two siblings smell like us and the golden hair woman' he said


'You're lying..'

'Why would I lie brat have you not notice their hair color it's just like the golden hair woman and their eyes are like our.' he said getting more and more annoyed  

'Well then, I guess I have to talk with Ozpin and  Albert about this later.' I said 

I walked up to Yang to wake her up

"Hey Yang get up." I shook her lightly

"Mmm five more minutes" she muttered 

"Hey wake up Yang" I shook her again

"No..." she muttered again


I shook her again until she hugged me with both her arms around my neck

'Sweat mother of Fan Service!' 

"I'm a mom..hehe" I heard her mutter in her sleep

"Y-yang wake up." I said still on the grip of the hug of destruction

'This is not bad to be honest how could the main characters freak out about this.' I said relaxing 

"Mmm honey play with the kids for a little.." I heard another mutter from her again

'What the fuck she dreaming about, mmmm she smells like sunflowers... wait what the fuck I never smelled sunflowers before how the fuck do I know.' I look up to her face to see her smile

'FUCK!  what am I doing I need to get out of here or Albert is going to see us, I don't want that son of a bitch seeing this or he will never let it go.' I begin shuffle out of Yang's hug

'Fuck this!' I then tickled her side

"Hehehe s-stop it Jos-" she began to giggle then finally let go of me

*Gasp* "Sweet all mighty..." I turn to Yang again she had her eyes open looking at me



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