Chapter 76: Battle in the North:There will always be Light and his Name is Arc

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

Atlas Academy - Qrow's POV 

To think the world will become to shit in just a year and a few months. If you were to tell me 1 year ago that I was going to meet to teenage boys one with the power of a 350+ foot tall lizard that breathes lasers and the other with the powers of a space God, and both are from another world where my life is a cartoon show....

I'm gonna have to ask you where you got the alcohol  you've been chugging for I could get some for myself. Cause I'm going to need that after this battle ends, fighting a army of Grimm, a human dragon that shoots lightning and a large Nine-tail fox was not on the my job's description.

And now after every thing was looking Grimm no pun intended .... Oum Tai and Yang's puns are affecting me, I might go to a therapy session. Right now it was looking like we were going to lose but all of a sudden a large bright light erupted in the battlefield I'm really not surprised anymore after everything I've faced this passed year could be Monty Oum's returned I don't care I just hope whatever this light is better be on our side.

Ost: Danmachi - Heroic Desire "Eiyuu Ganbou"

"Our Auras..." I heard Winter say, I turned to her seeing her Aura glowing I also noticed my aura was also glowing actually...Everyone's except the Grimm are glowing.

"MY WOUNDS!" A man yelled I turned to the voice seeing the guy looking at his chest seeing a large cut on his shirt but with no wound.

No that I think about it I'm not tired anymore nor does my body feel sore...I feel....


"LOOK!" A woman shouted, everyone looked at the origin of the light and Oh boy I was in for shocking surprised.


That kid Is the cause of the light he's standing up slowly while holding his sword in his right hand, his white aura surrounded his body. 

I noticed the Grimm were running back crying in pain, they were burning from the light.

"Is this his semblance?" Winter walked beside me staring at the teen.

"I guess it is..." I responded


Jaune's POV 

One moment I'm seeing the fox preparing his attack then the next a bright light covered my vision. Now after the light died down I noticed the entire area was inside a white glowing dome, I looked around seeing everyone's Aura glowing I looked at my hands seeing my aura was glowing as well but brighter. 

"Jaune!" Pyrrha called me, I turned to her seeing her eyes wide and her entire aura was glowing as well.

"What the hell is going on Guys!?" I asked the three.

"I, I think it's your semblance Juane.." Ren looked around the battlefield 

"My....Semblance." I looked around the battlefield seeing Huntsmen and Soldiers standing up from their injuries. 

Everyone stared at me with wide eyes and open jaws.

"Jaune your shoulder!" Oscar shouted, I looked at my injured shoulder where the lightning attack hit me.

"It's healed?" I looked around my body, I felt warm and my body no longer felt sore.

I looked all over my body then to my sword seeing it still in my right hand, I looked at the everyone who was staring at me.

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