Chapter 75: Battle in The North Part 5: When there is Darkness...

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

Atlas Academy - No One's POV

"DOCTOR! WE NEED A DOCTOR!!!" Ruby ran around the hallways of the Academy seeing many medics and doctors helping injured soldiers and Huntsmen while Glynda was holding the unconscious Moises with her semblance.

"Excuse me I need someone to help my friend!?" Ruby grabbed a medics wrist 

"Sorry kid, I got a lot of men and women to take care of!" The medic ran off

Ruby looked around now beginning to panic, she turned to professor Goodwitch.

"Professor I- I don't know what to do..." Ruby began to tear up, Glynda looked at the young teen worriedly

"Ru-" She was interrupted by a shock wave shaking the building and breaking the window glass next to them.

"What THE HELL!?" Some one shouted 

Glynda and Ruby looked out of the window seeing the Nine-tail fox slamming it's claws and tails on the Huntsmen and Soldiers killing them. They looked in horror at the scene seeing people being fling to the air.

"We need to find" Glynda walked away taking Moises with him.

"R-right." Ruby followed behind


"COME ON!" Coco sprinted while firing her Mini-gun at the Nine-tails 

"KEEP AT IT!" A Atlas soldier shouted while firing his rifle, The nine-tails turned to the squad of soldiers and brought down it's tail on them crushing them the force of the attack launched Coco to the air but she landed on her feet.

"What is it's fur made of?" Coco panted 

"Coco!" Yatsu ran up to her with Fox beside him.

"We're not even scratching it!" Coco told him

"I could see that we can't even get near it!" Fox shouted over the sound of explosions, Neptune landed beside them with his weapon drawn.

"What do we do!?" He looked at them worriedly 

Coco looked around her seeing everyone fighting the Nine-tails she saw streams of yellow lightning erupting in the distance indicating another fight.

"We keep going and pray." She told them, they looked at each other then nodded 

"LET'S GO!" She shouted 


Qrow fired his weapon on Ghidorah only for the Kaiju standing there taking the attack the smoke cleared revealing the dragon unscathed.

"Shit." Qrow cursed while transforming his firearm to sword mode, Ghidorah raised his left arm then sparks of electricity began to cover his arm.

"MOVE!" Winter shouted, making everyone near them move out of the way.

Qrow, Winter and other Huntsmen and Soldier moved to side avoiding the large stream of lightning. The attack flew across the battlefield destroying bots, grimm, aircraft and people turning them to dust.

Qrow and Winter looked in horror seeing the destruction of the attack.

"Dammit!" Qrow turned to Ghidorah

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