Chapter 11 Making a Man out of you

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.  

Joshua's POV

Well it has been a day since Jaune accepted Pyrrha's offer to be trained and that we would join and help out. So after classes we got together at the rooftop where Jaune accepted the offer Yang, Flor, and Jesus also wanted to join to help and see what we do.

Jaune: "So what are we going to do first?" 

Joshua: "Pyrrha is going to teach you stances to use when going on the offensive and defensive during fights while Albert and I will help you on your strength and stamina." 

Albert: "What she said." he pointed towards me 

Joshua: "We are going to have some fun with you" I smirked at Jaune

Joshua: "First! I got some weights you will put on while training" I took out four wrist bands 

Jaune: "How much do they weigh?" 

Joshua: "Don't know I ask the Headmasters to give me some and he brought me these to be honest they're not heavy at all" 

Jaune: "Alright then" He grabs the one wrist band after it left my hand Jaune began to struggle holding it

Jaune: "You said they weren't heavy at all" 

Joshua: "Huh, I guess your right" I told 

After he put all four wrist band on his wrists and ankles he just stood there struggling to stay up.

Jaune: "I can't move like this" 

Joshua: "Don't be a pus-" Before I finish Yang covered my mouth.

Yang: "Language, we got kids here." she told me pointing towards Flor who was smiling at us and Jesus who rolled his eyes.

Joshua: "Alright, damn you make it sound like they won't hear those words in the future." 

Yang: glares at me

Joshua: "O-okay" I stuttered 

Albert: "Alright buddy old pal" He put his arm over Jaune's shoulder which made go lower due to the weight

Albert: "Ran some laps around the Courtyard" he told Jaune smiling

Jaune: "H-How many?" he struggled to say

Joshua: "Hmmm, 10!" I told him

Jaune: "t-ten?" he responded 

Albert: "Yup, now hurry up" 

Jaune: *groan* he began to walk towards the stairs 

Pyrrha: "Are you sure about the weights" she told us concerned for Jaune

Joshua: "Well we gotta put him in shape as fast as possible"

Albert: "Hey pass me the music player" he told me

Joshua: I handed him the music player

I saw the him looking over the songs then whispered to Pyrrha's ear she nodded and took the music player and ran to where Jaune headed.

Joshua: "Where she going with the music player?" I asked Albert

Albert: "Some motivational music" he said smiling

Joshua: "Which song?" 

Albert: " I'll Make a man out of you from Mulan." 

Joshua: "Heh." I responded 

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