Chapter 72: Battle in the North Part 2

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  Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.    

Atlas Academy - No One's POV 

"RASENGAN!" Moises came down on Madara with a rasengan in his right hand, Madara quickly flipped back avoiding the attack. 

A large explosion erupted on the airships deck making it shake, Madara stared at the large smoke cloud with his sharigan then from the smoke came out a kunai right towards the Uchiha before the kunai reached him a yellow flash followed the kunai then Moises appeared with a other Rasengan.

Madara quickly reached out for Moises arm and flipped him over making the teen miss the attack.

Moises landed on his feet and turned to Madara, he looked around the deck seeing Salem's followers defeating his clones slowly.

Right when he looked back towards Madara the Uchiha was right in front of him with his right fist cocked back, Moises covered his face with both arms the punch had enough force to launch back towards one of the ship's cannons. 

'Holy Crap if I wasn't in sage mode that would've broken my arms..' Moises mentally shouted

"You shouldn't be distracted during battle boy." Madara spoke while fixing his right glove.

Moises stood up and gotten into a fighting stance, with his kunai in his right hand.

"It will get you killed." Madara finished then he dashed towards the teen, Moises did the same which cause them to collide their fists with each other creating a large shock wave.

"Now this is what I'm talking about!" Madara smirked 


Jaune raised a shield which blocked Ghidorah's fist making the blonde fly back to a tree, the collision knocked the air out of his lungs. 

"JAUNE!" Pyrrha looked at blonde in worry.

*Cough* "I'm alright!" Jaune tired to catch his breath.

Pyrrha nodded and charged towards the dragon Kaiju with Ren beside her, both fighters unleashed a flurry of attacks with their weapons, making the Kaiju go defensive.

Ghidorah jumped back then fired a lightning bolt with his left hand, Pyrrha quickly spun backwards avoiding the attack after landing she transformed her sword into a rifle and fired shots on Ghidorah.

The Kaiju covered his face with one arm deflecting the bullets, then after a few shots Ren appeared behind him with his bladed smgs ready to strike him. Ghidorah saw this and back handed Ren on the side sending back a few feet making the teen roll on the ground.

Pyrrha saw this and quickly ran towards Ghidorah with her weapon now in sword mode, she threw her shield on Ghidorah's chest making him stumble back the shield bounced of his chest returning back to Pyrrha's arm. The female spartan slashed on the kaiju with her sword while also avoiding his claws.

Pyrrha gave two quick slashes on his left arm then jumped back avoiding his left claw, after getting a few feet away and transformed her sword to a spear she threw it towards the Kaiju who shifted his body to the left avoiding the spear. 

Now, unarmed Ghidorah charged forward towards Pyrrha he went for a right swing but Pyrrha rolled under his attack and ran for her Spear. She raised her towards the weapon and used her semblance to bring the weapon back to her grasp. Ghidorah noticed this and aimed his left claw towards her and shot a lightning bolt right at the red head. 

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