Chapter 26 Vytal Festival Begins

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    Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

Joshua's POV

"And that's the Match! Team RWBY is Victorious!" Professor Port Announce making the crowd cheer

"Wow Yang gotten stronger since you trained her." Albert looked surprised 

"Yeah I know she defeated that Kung Fu chick in a second makes me so proud." I took a bite of a churro from a brown bag filled with Churros. 

"Wow these churros are amazing!" Coco took another of my churros from my bag

"What the- You thief!" I glared at her 

"Chill out Big guy just a churro but you should make some for me." She took a bite at the churro

"I'm so happy Team RWBY won!" Velvet smiled while hugging Albert right arm.

"Really impressive." Fox added

"...." Yatsu only nodded

'I though he talks in the show the fuck he's all quiet all of a sudden.' 

"I'm kinda surprise Ozpin let you two participate the tournament." Coco said 

"Yeah Us too." I responded taking another bite of my churro 

"I felt bad for team you guys faced earlier.." Coco shivered 

Flash Back

Screams of agony and explosions were heard in the stadium 

"My LEG!" Someone yelled

"Get back here I'm only gonna hurt really, really, REALLY! BAD!" Albert yelled 

The audience looked in horror and shock


"What?" Blake looked surprised at the name of the move

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" the victim screamed while flying to the air

Juane, Ren and every male looked in horror.

"1000 YEARS OF DEATH!" I yelled 


"Eh. they tried to smack talk me." I said 

I got up from my seat and began to walk away

"Where you going?" Albert called me

"Gonna check on Team RWBY see yeah losers later!" I responded 

Time Skip - Fair Grounds

I walked around looking for Team RWBY finding them walking towards the noddle stand.

"Ayyye It's YA BOI!" I yelled out getting their attention

"Joshua!" Ruby ran up to me using her Semblance knocking me down to the ground

"We won the Match! DID YOU SEE IT! DID YOU SEE IT!" She had the biggest smile in her face while shaking me back in forth

"Yeah, Yeah I saw it." I poked her forehead itachi style making her stop 

"Did you see how I defeated that chick babe?" Yang walked up to me giving me a hand to help stand up

"Sure did sunflower made me proud" I made fear tears of joy making her roll her eyes at me

"Especially Blake trap on the hover board chick pretty slick there Blake." I said to her 

She smirk and flicked her hair to side proudly 

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