Chapter 84: Aftermath

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      Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla,Guardians of the Galaxy Or any of the anime characters that are used in this story. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you.   

Joshua's POV 

It's been a few hours since the end of the battle, it was morning the entire battle took one whole night which surprised me I thought it took a days cause it felt longer. At the moment I'm helping looking for survivors in the battlefield moving heavy objects others can't and because of my strong senses.

Albert, Moises, and Ruby are resting in the infirmary in the academy while the rest were helping out on the injure or helping look for survivors. I had to tell Gamabunta to head back to his world that Moises will speak with him later since both of them are heavily exhausted and injured.

"We got him!" A soldier shouted towards me while I looked towards him seeing him pulling out a injured huntsmen from the rubble I nodded and threw the large piece of metal which I believe was part of a Bullhead to the side.

"Thanks..." The huntsman thanked weakly.

"No problem just get some rest." I smiled then walked towards to help others.

I saw Ironwood commanding a group of soldier in the distance so I went to ask if I could help on anything else.

"General." I called him, he turned to me and nodded towards me.

"Is there anything I could help with?" I asked standing beside him.

"You may have to help move pieces of destroyed Airships to look for survivors or their remains to return home to their families." Ironwood told me

"How's Albert and Moises?" I asked, he turned to me 

"Albert has lost a lot of blood from his injury but he'll make it, I'll plan on giving him a new arm as gratitude." Ironwood smiled 

"Moises is just exhausted whatever he did to himself has taken a lot of energy so he'll have to rest a while longer." He turned back to the horizon.

"Thanks for everything General." I spoke

"No, Joshua I should be thanking you and your group for protecting Remnant." Ironwood smiled towards me I smiled back then walked away. I then felt a pulse erupt in my body making me stop I looked towards a certain direction and sighed.

"Joshua!" I heard Jaune's voice, I turn to him to see him carrying a familiar red object.

"What's wrong Jaune?" I asked him seeing him stop in front of me panting a little from running.

"I found Ruby's Cresent Rose!" He raised it in front of me with a big smile in his face.

"Nice, Ruby is going to be cry like a baby seeing her "Baby" back in her hands." I smirked 

"I know right." Jaune grinned but accidentally activating it into a scythe, Jaune's eyes widen holding the heavy weapon.

"Oh no..." He then fell on his back while holding the Scythe making me laugh at his clumsiness.


No One's POV - Three days later

"At this very location a great battle has taken place between the people of Remnant and the Grimm. Thousands of soldiers, Huntsmen, and even students from others Academies have fought to defend this very location from the Grimm with the help of Godzilla, Starlord, and a new hero which the soldiers and Huntsmen call him "The Sage". We also learn a group of Beacon students who also changed the tide of the battle one in particular is Jaune Arc also known as the "Arc Angel" which is what the Huntsmen and Soldiers call him." The screen turns black revealing the entire group of Beacon students without Albert, Velvet, and Ruby.

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