Chapter 16 Meeting the General

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   Disclaimer! I do NOT own the rights to RWBY, Godzilla, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Each of them are own my their respective creators and owner, Thank you. 

Joshua's POV

 Joshua: "Wow, I know that General Ironwood likes to show his power, but damn this looks overkill." I said looking out at the window seeing multiple Atlas Airships surrounding the Academy Courtyard.

Albert: "Man, it's like he's ready to fight the army of Grimm right now." Also looking outside the window.

Joshua: "You know Cinder is here.." I looked at him

Albert: "You better keep your cool if you see them especially towards Mercury and Cinder." he gave me a stern look.

Joshua: "Yeah I know." I look back towards the fleet outside.

I then get a message from Qrow on my Scroll.


Qrow: Kid, Ozpin wants you to meet Ironwood 

Qrow: Now.

Joshua: K. Omw

Text Ends

I put my scroll on my pocket.

Joshua: "Well then time to meet General Ironwood." I looked at Albert and began to walk towards the door of our dorm.

Albert: "I know this is going to be a long day." he sigh and followed right behind me

Ozpin's Office

The elevator doors opened showing us the room filled with Ozpin sitting on his chair, Glynda standing on his left with a scroll, Qrow standing on the other side of the table with arms crossed and General Ironwood also on the other side of the table with his arms behind his back not looking to happy.

Ironwood: "So these are the two boys you told me about Ozpin." he looked towards us

Ozpin: "Yes, these two young men are the game changers I told you about." he took a sip of his coffee 

Ironwood: "They don't look much to me." he scanned us from our feet to our face.

Qrow: "You shouldn't judge a book from its cover James." he told the General

Ironwood: "Hmm." he responds he then turns to Branwen

Ironwood: "I'm surprised your here Qrow hopefully you found information about our....enemy"

Qrow: "I didn't need to James because of these two" he looked back to us 

Ironwood: "Really?" he looked at us with a raised eyebrow

Albert: "Yup, we have important information about.....Salem and her people." he spoke up

Ironwood: "And what would that information be." he finally turned his whole body towards us

Albert: "Well, that..." he looked at me

Joshua: "They are here as spies disguised as students of Haven." I told the General

Ironwood: ".....What" was his only response

Joshua/Albert: 'Oh boy'

3 hours later

Ironwood: "Are you telling me that we should let these people infiltrate the Academy and not doing anything until the dance!" he slammed his hand on the table.

Ozpin: "Yes, James that is the plan." he responded with a relax tone

Ironwood: "Who do you know these two boys are telling the truth Ozpin." he gesture towards us.

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